05-11-2021, 11:13 AM
(05-11-2021, 08:34 AM)portia8 Wrote: Hiya everyone! Haven't updated for a while but I'm onto the new session woohoo! I completed 10 in the Second Spring session with 100% in all but two classes! I initially thought I only had 14 classes in total to complete with UMPI but it seems it'll be closer to 21. I'm hoping to knock out the remaining 11 this session but with work it may bleed into the next session. I'm also seriously considering switching from a BLS in EDU to a BBA in History but I'm not sure what the process for that is like, anyone done anything similar? Oh and was there ever any clarification on whether any Coursera courses would be accepted in place of BIO 105? Good luck to everyone for this session!
Great job! By switching from the BLS to the BA in History, you're going to have to take a lot of classes. You will have to do all of the classes for the major. Do you already have a number of the history requirements completed including the full year of a foreign language? It sounds like you're trying to finish quickly. I would probably stay where I am. Coursera classes aren't ACE credit. There's a biology class on Study.com you can take and transfer to UMPI.