(07-28-2020, 05:22 PM)NoStudentNoCry Wrote: Has anyone already noticed the change? Now the final milestone COUNTS towards the grade:
"You need to get above 50% to pass and it counts towards your overall score"
I am not sure about "old" courses, but two new courses have that clause.
The Final Milestone always counted in the grade. It was worth 3 times as many points as the Challenge questions. The percentage to pass is new. It's not in the older courses. I'm finishing Microecon tonight and I started it yesterday. These changes may be for new courses and may be because of ACE.
(07-28-2020, 06:15 PM)NoStudentNoCry Wrote: Oh, one more thing about new classes: the milestone questions now are worth 3 points (was 2 points for the majority of "old" courses).
Ok, I give up. Trying to fix my comment, and the portion I add keeps disappearing. Oh well.
On the previous courses, the Unit Milestones were worth 2 points each and the Final Milestone was worth 3 points each. These changes aren't bad. Better than not having these courses available!