(07-25-2020, 10:00 AM)Expert101 Wrote: Ok thanks, I know a few ppl were taking 5-6 courses at once in May even when they were free or it's always been 2 max when free?
No, it's a fairly recent development. I suspect it was a reaction to online posts urging others to sign up for many courses and delay the start dates and ask for extensions, thereby pushing their completion dates out until almost the end of the year.
I don't believe it was Sophia's intent to provide unlimited free courses for six months or more. I doubt that would be sustainable for them. In any case, they limited the number of courses one can sign up for at the same time to two, removed the option to push out the start dates, and made extensions somewhat more difficult to obtain.
I've actually seen criticism of this situation in another thread, while I've seen no criticism of any of Sophia's competitors who have offered no relief of any kind to students affected by COVID-19. Kind of proves the old adage that "no good deed goes unpunished".