(07-24-2020, 04:43 PM)rachel83az Wrote: The lab from SL is likely to be pretty calculus heavy, too. Looking at the "prerequisites" for both the lab and the course, calculus is recommended but not required for both.
That said, I find the SDC courses to be relatively easy and friendly. Some Saylor courses have a reputation for the final exam not matching the course content very well. If you already have a SDC membership, why not work through the first few lessons in both SDC and Saylor to see which one agrees with you more?
Thanks. Yeah, I was hoping that not be the case for the LAB portion but thought it might. I don't have a study.com membership but just playing around on the website the Layout looks better than Saylor.
The other LAB option is just through TESU for their Algebra based course but that lab would be around $300 more expensive than SL. I probably WILL have to go through TESU for the PHYS II lab though unless I can find another viable CHEM I/LAB that hasn't been downgraded. Looks like SDC and SL are no good now for CHEM. I did get pre-approval to do a PHYS 1 + CHEM 1 so I just need to find a good option.