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Losing focus - scattered and procrastinating. HELP!!
Hey, all! Maybe this information will be of help. I know just writing and sharing this is giving me a glimmer of hope - hope that I can get through to the other side of my to do list.  I'm new to this forum, so my apologies if I didn't format my reply properly. I'm needing to get back to my studies. Wish me luck.
I've found myself more frustrated than ever with my inability to stay focused and finish one thing at a time during this pandemic. I found this thread because I have to study for an exam and am needing to economize in terms of time spent studying. I want to thank you for your post. You reminded me to look up the app/site that I had been meaning to try: FocusMate. I'm not sure if it will help you, but for me, if I have the accountability that meeting someone solely and specifically to do something brings, I'm way more likely to get it done. It's  like deciding to work with a trainer versus trying to stick to a workout plan on your own! Here's the text from the article that cover using FocusMate to stay focused and beat procrastination. I suppose if you had an acquaintance who would agree to meet you virtually and not talk to you at all, but just first meet online, then immediately part ways and start working/studying/practicing/decluttering/cleaning . . . whatever . . . that could also work. Meaning you could just find someone who would agree to be your accountability buddy and not use the app. There are other good suggestions in the article as well. I think listening to sounds or music that boost productivity is always a good choice. Breathing, and staying hydrated will take you a long way as well. I know that sounds weird, but people tend to do only very shallow breathing which isn't as helpful as deeper, controlled breathing. Best wishes to you and stay healthy!  Here's the link to the article if you're interested:

7 Apps That Will Help You Beat Procrastination [2019]
By George Halachev
There it is again — your old nemesis.
It keeps torturing you year after year. Every time you think you’ve conquered it, it comes back and ruins your plans.
You start a new project, set a new goal, and it feels like you’re going to crush it this time. You get a surge of excitement and inspiration.
But then a few days pass and the initial motivation is gone. The procrastination is back and you’re wasting time and not making any progress again.
After years of going through this cycle, it’s easy to start feeling desperate and hopeless.
It feels like you’ll never get rid of procrastination and create the life you want. You think, “Why is it so easy for others but can’t get myself to do shit?! Was I just born lazy?”
Luckily for us procrastinators, we don’t have to fight that battle alone anymore. Each app on this list focuses on helping you beat a different aspect of procrastination, and they’re all important.
Let’s dive in.

[size=undefined]5. FocusMate
Sign up on

What is FocusMate?
You’ve probably heard of the benefits of having an accountability buddy. Somebody that will work with you on your goals and help you stay on track.
Unfortunately, finding a friend that is reliable and available isn’t easy.
FocusMate changes all that — it makes finding an accountability buddy instant and painless. Using online video calls, it automatically pairs you with a partner, who makes sure you show up and do the work.
Since the app automatically matches you with random people, finding an accountability buddy takes just a minute.
Here’s how it works:[/size]
  1. Schedule a work period in your FocusMate calendar (similar to scheduling an appointment in a traditional calendar app).
  2. FocusMate automatically matches you with a stranger.
  3. You show up at the scheduled time to meet your accountability buddy — Typically, you start with a quick greeting and state your goal for this session (e.g. I’m going to use the time to write a blog post).
  4. Start working — you turn off your mic and leave your camera on. That way your accountability buddy can see that you’re still there and working and there is no noise to distract you. The focus sessions are 50 minutes long.
  5. End the session and recap — when the time is up, you take another minute to share your results with your partner and say “thank you and goodbye”.
Here’s how the FocusMate calendar looks like when you’re setting it up:
[Image: 1*g00_VCBridypt7q4caKtrQ.jpeg]
Using FocusMate will force you to show up on time and stay focused. It also forces you to work in scheduled periods of time and create a weekly schedule — all of these will help to overcome procrastination.
How to use FocusMate?
If you’re just starting out, or if you have a hard to predict your schedule, I recommend that you do not set a schedule for the whole week. Book your appointments for the next 1–2 days instead.
In case something comes up, you can cancel the scheduled session. Just make sure you do it at least a few hours before so your accountability partner can get matched with somebody else.[/size]cwendy111Venting, apologizing in advance. 

I am lost in an ocean of chaos, frustration and despair. In an effort to get motivated again (and a sense of uncertainty) I decided to shoot my bucket of ACE credits over to TESU, hoping seeing all the new credits on my Evaluation will hype me up again. I am so scattered all over the place right now. In an endless cycle of researching for courses, signing up and abandoning them.

I find myself in an endless search for courses because I am unhappy with the ones I choose, so I keep procrastinating. I am currently somewhere in progress on 4, no 5 classes and am not interested, disciplined or motivated to complete them. Check out the madness below...I understand if you are amused. It is pretty ridiculous.

1-Sophia Statistics has me afraid, so I keep logging off. Signed up since it's free, but my ambition has faltered from fear. I won't get into all the time and resources I have wasted trying to face this fear. It's ridiculous

2-SL American Government is so textbook heavy and monotonous. I ordered the mp3s from Free Clep Prep which helps a little as a break from endless reading and can do other things while it plays. AND I bought the course on ICC as a back up, but I see it's going to be heavy reading, no matter what I do. No escape. 

3- Halfway through Personal Finance IC flashcards. Dropped them about a month ago for no good reason. But no more DSSTs now so I may go for the SL course on this. Will pray it isn't as awful as this American Government course. The syllabus sounds more interactive, so I am hopeful. Will pick it back up as a study resource. I found the subject interesting with useful information. The only thing that stopped me from registering is not hearing from SL customer service to beg for a reduction in price since I wasted my enrollment month and have been charged for the next one with nothing to show for it

4-Registered today for the TECEP Computer Concepts and Applications class and started studying for that today. I know, I know. I should've been taken this one when I took the DSST Computer exam, but thought they duplicated all this time. Silly me

5-ICC Spanish is my latest endeavor because I hadn't realized I get a free class with IC subscription, and currently has most of my attention. Flunked my 1st Quiz and I thought I knew the material. Soooo, back on the hunt I went for more courses and research. At least I didn't go on Twitter. Where I waste way too much time...

Something is wrong with me!!!!!

I am afraid I won't finish anything because I am so all over the place. This trip has gone so long already. HELLLLPPP!!!!!  Cry Cry Cry[/quote]
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RE: FocusMate accountability Losing focus - scattered and procrastinating. HELP!! - by - 06-16-2020, 02:07 PM

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