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More help, with focus
Lots of people asking for help today...
I'm so unfocused right now. I had a fantastic April, getting 12 credits through 3 tests. Then I got a speeding ticket and opted to take a break from CLEPs to do a traffic school DVD. I've had the DVD for over a week and only got through the first hour. I also have Western Civ II REA book, Idiot's Guide to American Government, am listening to Western Civ I on iTunes, and itching to sign up for ALEKS.
I know that success at testing is as easy as scheduling a test, but I can't seem to pull the trigger on any of these. Am Gov is the next logical test, but I am not enthusiastic enough about it to read past the 3 or 4 pages I have already read. Maybe because we're buying a house and our closing is the 11th, moving the 12th? I don't know...I'd love to hear from some of you who this has happened to, I can't be the only one. A swift kick, a shove down one of these roads, a military CLEP-er ordering me to schedule a specific test?

DSST (27)
Personal Finance - 448 Astronomy - 61 Civil War and Reconstruction - 68 History of Vietnam War - 68 Substance Abuse - 59 World Religions - 473 Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union - 55 Environment and Humanity: Race to Save the Planet -61 Intro to Modern Middle East - 58
CLEP (48)
American Literature-73 American Government-62 U.S. History I - 64 U.S. History II -73 A&I Literature - 75 Western Civ I - 58 Western Civ II - 61 English Literature - 67 Humanities -76 Intro Sociology - 62 Social Sciences & History - 69
Other (43)
English Composition, Literature & Composition, Art Appreciation, General Psychology, Intro to Anthropology, Abnormal Psychology, Travel Agency Operations, Advanced Hospitality (7 credits), Intro Computer Software, Digital Photography, War and American Society, TESC Capstone
Intermediate Algebra

**Not official, but BA History at Thomas Edison State College!!!!!!*
I had a really hard time in December. I knew that I had a lot of tests to do in a short time, but December was so hectic for me. To top off a very full month at work, my brother and his family came to stay at my house the last week and a half. Then, the first week of January, I had a huge and very important business trip I had to plan for. It was insane.

So you can do one of two things.

1) Give yourself a two week break. Call to schedule your test for three or four weeks out so that you will HAVE to pick the books back up. But really just stop for a couple of weeks. Breathe. Relax and don't worry about it, you know you'll get back to your studies.

2) If you can't take a break or don't need one, then make a spreadsheet. On the sheet, put down all of the tests that you need to graduate and put dates next to each one. You'll be amazed to see how soon you can finish when you attach a date to each test. Seeing the finish date appear WILL motivate you.

Strategy #2 is what I did in January and I ended up doing 30 credits in about a month once I had the spreadsheet to look at. It really helped.
Regis University, ITESO, Global MBA with a focus in Emerging Markets 4.0 GPA, Dual-university degree (Spanish/English) 
ISSA Certified Nutritionist
COSC BS, Business Admin

My BS Credits:
Spanish 80 | Humanities 67 | A & I Lit 72 | Sub Abuse 452 | Bus Ethics 445 | Tech Writ 62 | Math 53 | HTYH 454 | Am. Govt 65 | Env & Humanity 64 | Marketing 65 | Micro 61| Mgmt 63| Org Behavior 65| MIS 446|Computing 432 | BL II 61 | M&B 50 | Finance 411 | Supervision 437| Intro Bus. 439| Law Enforcement 63|  SL: Accounting I B | Accounting II C+| Macro A | ECE: Labor Relations A | Capstone: A| FEMA PDS Cert 
Thanks burbuja, I'll try both; a short break and a spreadsheet with scheduled tests to get me back on track. Maybe if I actually schedule a test, I can be motivated to read the book, lol.

DSST (27)
Personal Finance - 448 Astronomy - 61 Civil War and Reconstruction - 68 History of Vietnam War - 68 Substance Abuse - 59 World Religions - 473 Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union - 55 Environment and Humanity: Race to Save the Planet -61 Intro to Modern Middle East - 58
CLEP (48)
American Literature-73 American Government-62 U.S. History I - 64 U.S. History II -73 A&I Literature - 75 Western Civ I - 58 Western Civ II - 61 English Literature - 67 Humanities -76 Intro Sociology - 62 Social Sciences & History - 69
Other (43)
English Composition, Literature & Composition, Art Appreciation, General Psychology, Intro to Anthropology, Abnormal Psychology, Travel Agency Operations, Advanced Hospitality (7 credits), Intro Computer Software, Digital Photography, War and American Society, TESC Capstone
Intermediate Algebra

**Not official, but BA History at Thomas Edison State College!!!!!!*
Take no breaks, instead get up early and read for two hours before work. Read it on the treadmill while working out and before going to bed at night. Stop watching two to three hours of tv at night like most people do, myself included. The story of Americas political system is a great one so enjoy it. I read that book while on a plane to attend a wedding and in the hotel gym while doing cardio. Do this like its your job and don't hold yourself back.
You will succeed.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
Thanks ryoder,
Your words were just what I needed. Right after I read your response I went and finished most of my traffic school dvd. Tomorrow morning I will crack open my American Government book and dedicate 2 hours to it. I searched amazon, barnes and noble, and my library for that book you suggested with no luck. Do you recall the author?

DSST (27)
Personal Finance - 448 Astronomy - 61 Civil War and Reconstruction - 68 History of Vietnam War - 68 Substance Abuse - 59 World Religions - 473 Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union - 55 Environment and Humanity: Race to Save the Planet -61 Intro to Modern Middle East - 58
CLEP (48)
American Literature-73 American Government-62 U.S. History I - 64 U.S. History II -73 A&I Literature - 75 Western Civ I - 58 Western Civ II - 61 English Literature - 67 Humanities -76 Intro Sociology - 62 Social Sciences & History - 69
Other (43)
English Composition, Literature & Composition, Art Appreciation, General Psychology, Intro to Anthropology, Abnormal Psychology, Travel Agency Operations, Advanced Hospitality (7 credits), Intro Computer Software, Digital Photography, War and American Society, TESC Capstone
Intermediate Algebra

**Not official, but BA History at Thomas Edison State College!!!!!!*
I was referring to eht REA clep guide to American government. It's an excellent read and every topic that is covered is on the test so you are not wasting your time reading it in it's entirety. Just power through it an enjoy the story of the greatest experiment in government by the people and for the people in the world.
I almost wish I could unlearn it and reread he book to experience it again. By the way, the study of American history I also by REA helps to add context to this book.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science

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