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Suggestions for a area of focus in Psychology
I had planned on doing a area of focus in Admin/Management with a depth in history. I have decided that I will skip the depth in history and do a 2 area of focus in psychology. What would be your suggestions for test to complete the psychology area of focus. Any information would be helpful.
Associate in Arts - University of the State of New York / 1989
Undergraduate certificate in marketing, Ashworth College.

BSLS Excelsior college in progress. 6 classes to go
I thought Psychology was an area of focus
It is a area of focus. My plan is to do one in Psychology and one in admin/management.
Associate in Arts - University of the State of New York / 1989
Undergraduate certificate in marketing, Ashworth College.

BSLS Excelsior college in progress. 6 classes to go
I don't understand your question but maybe this will assist you in completing the requirements for an area of study.
Don't miss out on something great just because it might also be difficult.

Road traveled: AA (2013) > BS (2014) > MS (2016) > Doctorate (2024)

If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. Psalm 94:16-19
marquardt21 Wrote:I had planned on doing a area of focus in Admin/Management with a depth in history. I have decided that I will skip the depth in history and do a 2 area of focus in psychology. What would be your suggestions for test to complete the psychology area of focus. Any information would be helpful.

Thanks to soliloquy's posting of the link to the Excelsior catalog, I finally understand what an "area of focus" is and think I can help you with your question. (Area of focus being 21 total credits in one subject - 6 being upper level)...

All the Lower Level Psychology Tests - 9 credits
Introductory Psychology
Human Growth and Development
Introduction to Educational Psychology

Upper Level Psychology Tests - 12 credits
Abnormal Psychology
Social Psychology
Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
Foundations of Gerontology
Research Methods in Psychology

That will do it - I'm unfamiliar with DSST's so substitute any DSST's that fit into the Psychology category. If you're an Excelsior student, be sure to check with your advisor to make sure my suggestions are correct.

Hope this helps. Smile
"I dwell in Possibility."  Emily Dickinson
2011-12  CLEP
 Int Psych - 75 / H G & D - 69 / Ed Psych - 72 / Am Lit - 80  / A & I Lit - 75 / Eng Lit - 73 2012-13  SL  Eng Comp I - 95.3% P /
Eng Comp II - 97.5% P 2014  EC/UEXCEL  Ab Psych - A / Soc Psych - A / Psych A & A - A  / Gerontology - A / Info Lit - P 2015 BYU Sport Psych - A / DSST Sub Abuse - 470 / Int World Rel - 481 / H T Y H - 465 / Tor College HIS 301 - 81% P 2016 EC LA498 Capstone - A
1991 AA Liberal Arts USNY Regents College
2016 BSLA Magna Cum Laude Excelsior College  - A 5 year journey COMPLETED!

2017-2019 Certs. - Am Lit/Brit Lit/Shakespeare/Poetry Review Shmoop - Shakespeare's Plays/Shakespeare in Context/Women's Lit
In addition to the info above, my unconfirmed guess has been that if it counts for the major it will also count toward an area of focus or a depth.

A few years ago, a forum member was allowed to use ALEKS Stats (3 UL) toward a depth in psychology. That may be worth checking into, also. Here is the post:
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!

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