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Any one with previous experience - BSBA in General Management
(06-14-2020, 11:30 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: Hey Help4Help, it maybe best if you just copy/paste your entire evaluation including the *other* credits, this way we know all the courses you have taken and the few credits that have gone into your AOS already.  This should be your first step, knowing what courses are required to finish the degree.

There are a few ways of getting this done but I'll focus on the main two and it will depend if you have tuition assistance/reimbursement & if you're willing to spend the extra cash on courses at TESU
1) Complete the courses as cheap/easy/fast as possible with the course providers I mentioned and pay the residency waiver.
2) Take required 16 credits at TESU and SKIP the residency waiver, this will also give you a better overall GPA if you do well.

By looking at your questions above, you're most likely going to lean to #1, and just get it done.  However, if you're on the younger side and wanting to get grad credits for the price of undergrad, then I would recommend option 3 which is to do the Bachelors and complete it, but also apply for the Bachelors to Masters.

Thank you for taking the time to reply and helping others. I have also looked at the Unofficial Transcript which shows earned credit 115 which makes no sense now and not understanding. I have attached the TESU Degree Evaluation and Transcripts in the Attachment as well.

Program Requirements:
1: BSBA General Education (60 SH) (In progress)
SH Earned: 49 Complete all 6 subrequirements:

A: INTEL & PRACT SKILLS (In progress)

SH Earned: 12
Written Communication 3SH (Complete)
1 EN101 Composition I 12/15/07 B 3.00 ENC-101 *CC *TE

________________________________________Written Communication 3SH (Complete)

Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) option: ENC-102 English Composition II *must earn a grade of C/CR or better

1 EN102 Composition II 05/15/08 C 3.00 ENC-102 *CC *TE
________________________________________Oral Communication 3SH (Complete)

Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) option: COM-209 Public Speaking

1 ENS106 Public Speaking 12/15/09 B 3.00 COM-209 *CC *TE

Quantitative Literacy (DEGREE REQUIREMENT) 3SH (Complete)
1 MA108 College Algebra 05/15/07 A 3.00 MAT-121 *CC *TE
Information Literacy (INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT) 3SH (Not started)
To meet this requirement, students MUST take SOS-110 Critical Information Literacy at Thomas Edison State University.
3 credits needed
B: CIV & GLOBAL LDRSHP (In progress)
For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to Civic and Global Leadership Courses
SH Earned: 3
1 SO101 Intro Sociology 12/15/07 C 3.00 SOC-101 *CC *TE
Ethical Leadership 3SH (Not started)
Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) option: ETH-230 Ethics in a Digital Age- 3 credits needed
Civic Engagement 3SH (Not started)
Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) option: POS-110 American Government -  3 credits needed

Humanities and/or Social Sciences 9SHSH Earned: 9
1 ST110 Acting I 05/15/09 B- 3.00 THA-120 *CC *TE
1 PS101 Intro Psychology 05/15/09 C 3.00 PSY-101 *CC *TE
2 ARAB101 Beginning Arabic I 05/15/11 B 3.00 ARA-101 *TE

D: UNDRST PHYS&NAT WRLD (Complete) Natural Sciences 4SH
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 SC104 Environmental Scienc 05/15/10 A 4.00 ENS-200 *CC *TE

Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 BU206 Business Statistic 12/15/09 B 4.00 STA-201 *CC *TE

F: GE ELECTIVES (In progress)
For all TESU course options that will satisfy this area of the degree, go to General Education Elective Courses.
To identify which of these courses is Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC), go to Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Courses.!! Exception Excess credit in Gen Ed Math (19SH Required)
General Education Electives 20SH
SH Earned: 17
Required: 19
Remaining: 2

2 ARAB112 Beginning Arabic II 12/15/11 B+ 3.00 ARA-102 *TE
2 ANTH110 Anthropology Multicult America 12/15/11 A 3.00 ANT-199 *TE
1 MA109 Precalculus Mathemat 12/15/07 B 4.00 MAT-129 *CC *TE
1 SC102 Health & Nutrition 05/15/07 B- 3.00 BIO-208 *CC *TE
1 MA111 Business Calculus 12/15/10 B- 4.00 MAT-231 *CC *TE
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________ 2 credits needed
2: Core (36SH) (Complete)
SH Earned: 36 Complete all 10 subrequirements:

A: Accounting 6 SH (Complete)
SH Earned: 6
Group 1 (Complete)
SH Earned: 6
1 AC101 Financial Accounting 05/15/08 C+ 3.00 ACC-101 *CC *TE
1 AC205 Managerial Accounting 12/15/08 C 3.00 ACC-102 *CC *TE

B: Business Law 3 SH (Complete)
1 BU201 Business Law 12/15/09 B+ 3.00 LAW-201 *CC *TE

C: Computers 3 SH (Complete)
1 CIS101 Intro to CIS 05/15/07 B+ 3.00 CIS-107 *CC *TE

D: Finance 3 SH (Complete)
2 FINC321 Fundamentals of Finance 05/15/12 B 3.00 FIN-301 *TE

E: Management 3 SH (Complete)
1 BU222 Prin Management 05/15/09 A- 3.00 MAN-210 *CC *TE

F: Marketing 3 SH (Complete)
1 BU203 Marketing 12/15/08 B- 3.00 MAR-201 *CC *TE

G: Business/Society 3SH (Complete)
2 INBS246 Intro International Business 05/15/11 B 3.00 MAN-271 *TE

H: Economics 6 SH (Complete)
SH Earned: 6
1 EC102 Economics II 05/15/10 A 3.00 ECO-112 *CC *TE
1 EC101 Economics I 05/01/09 C+ 3.00 ECO-111 *CC *TE

I: Communications 3 SH (Complete)
3 MAN-373 Managerial Communications 2015JUL B 3.00 

J: Capstone 3 SH (Complete)
*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
This Capstone course must be taken with Thomas Edison State University or via an approved Thomas Edison State University Academic Program Review. Baccalaureate students will not be permitted to register for a capstone course unless they have 100 credits applied toward the requirements for the declared degree and a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
For TESU course options, go to BUS-421 Business Administration Capstone
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
3 BUS-421 Strategic Management 2015JUL A 3.00

3: General Mngt (18SH: 12SH must be upper level) (In progress)
SH Earned: 9 GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.233 / 2.000 Complete both subrequirements:
A: GMS Required 9 SH (In progress)
*must earn grades of C/CR or better
Complete three courses (one course from three of the following four areas)
**At least 12 semester hours within the entire Specialization must be at the 300/400 level.

SH Earned: 6
2 ACCT302 Intermediate Accounting II 12/15/11 B- 3.00 ACC-306 *7Y *TE
Group 2 (Not started)
3 credits
Group 3 (Complete)
2 INFO290 Management Information Systems 05/15/11 A 3.00 CIS-201 *7Y *TE

B: GMS Elective Area (In progress)
*must earn grades of C/CR or better
Complete 9 more Semester Hours (SH) from any assortment of the areas below.
**At least 12 semester hours within the entire Specialization must be at the 300/400 level.

SH Earned: 3
2 INFO375 Operations Analysis 05/15/12 B 3.00 OPM-301 *7Y *TE
________________________________________Group 2 (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________ 3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________ 3 credits needed

4: Electives (6sh) (Complete)- SH Earned: 6
1 BU101 Intro to Business 12/15/07 A- 3.00 BUS-101 *CC *TE
1 BU213 Legal Envir Bus Go 12/15/10 B+ 3.00 LAW-202 *CC *TE

Other Courses:
2 ACCT301 Intermediate Accounting I 05/15/11 C- 3.00 ACC-305 *TE 
1 AC210 Accounting Applications 05/15/10 C 1.00 ACC-213 *TE *CC *DOC 
1 BU235 Job Seeking Techniqu 05/15/10 B- 1.00 FEL-199 *TE *CC 
1 AC102 Financial Accounting 12/15/08 B 3.00 ACC-199 *TE *CC *DOC 
1 CIS125 Microcomputer Softwa 12/15/08 B 3.00 CAP-101 *TE *CC 
1 EN004 Developmental Englis 05/15/07 B 0.00 DEC-001 *RI *TE *DEV *CC 
1 CIS104 Data Entry 12/15/06 B- 3.00 CIS-199 *TE *CC 
1 EN001 Basic English 12/15/06 B 0.00 DEC-003 *RI *TE *DEV *CC 
1 RD004 Devel Reading 12/15/06 C+ 0.00 DEC-011 *RI *TE *DEV *CC 
1 MA005 Algebra 12/15/06 A 0.00 DMT-002 *TE *DEV *CC 
1 RD001 Basic Reading 08/15/06 B- 0.00 DEC-011 *RI *TE *DEV *CC 
1 COL102 The College Experience 08/15/06 A 1.00 FEL-199 *TE *CC

Please kindly guide me here. Thanks in advance. 


Attached Files
.docx   Academic Degree Evaluation and Transcript.docx (Size: 666.26 KB / Downloads: 5)

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RE: Any one with previous experience - BSBA in General Management - by Help4Help - 06-15-2020, 01:53 AM

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