As far as AS/AA vs just going full BS/BA, it's about pay/experience increases. Just an associates give me the "credit" of 2-4 more years on my "experience" level, so it's worth it to me to just get an AS for now. WGU could be a useful perhaps or maybe the BSBA at a later date. The tip on the ASNM Comp Sci is good though...that would have the most immediate benefit.
After reading through these threads, I've found the BOG AAS option. This sounds like a good option as I can transfer everything in (Can it all be ACE, SL, I'm trying to piece together how it works so any guidance would be awesome.
You guys have given me some good tips and things to think about. My biggest concern is speed. What range of time frames do people get AS/AA/etc in your experience?
After reading through these threads, I've found the BOG AAS option. This sounds like a good option as I can transfer everything in (Can it all be ACE, SL, I'm trying to piece together how it works so any guidance would be awesome.
You guys have given me some good tips and things to think about. My biggest concern is speed. What range of time frames do people get AS/AA/etc in your experience?
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