(08-17-2019, 10:18 AM)historicalarsonist Wrote: Awesome, thanks for clearing that up.That is exactly what that means. Yes many people get an BA and an Associates for only 120 credits and don't need more courses. The thing that can't overlap is the Area of Study but since History and Math don't overlap at all you good. Math courses can count towards your GE electives or free electives. So if you took math and Computer science courses those would fill your gen ed electives and free electives as well as meet your associates degree requirement. Biology is another associates degree TESU offers however it requires bio 1 and 2 with labs. The labs are expensive and only labs can be a pain to deal with. And there is no known alternative source of bio II lab. So youd have to take through CC (online or in person). Also there aren't as many alternatives biology courses as there are math ones. This is why the math and Computer science are more common to earn on this fourm over bio. If you want to do an Associates in Biology you can, you are only two areas of study for asnsm. So out of computer science, math and biology pick two.
Quick question about pursuing an associate degree all with the BA, perhaps the ASNSM Math and/or Biology. How do the credits interact between the BA you are pursuing and the associate degree? For example, the math area of study for the ASNSM requires 16 credits. Does this mean once I meet the general ed requirements, I can simply take 16 math credits that will account for elective credit in the BA and area of study credits in the ASNSM?
Also, I mentioned biology because there seems to be a ton of Biology classes available via CLEP/SDC/SL that look quite interesting. Does anyone have any experience with these? Math and science are very important to me, second only to History/English, so it seems either (or both) of these associate degree options might be viable for me.
Even if you did the asnsm in both math and Computer science you would still have electives slots leftover. Both AOS of the degrees are 16 credits each or 32 total. For your BA you have 27 credits free electives and 17-20 credits GE electives. So you'd have open spots and with those you could take biology or more math and science if you wanted to.