08-01-2019, 05:21 PM
I asked my advisor about Human Resource Management and Entrepeneurship back in May I think it was. I asked specifically if those two courses would be upper level and if I could use them toward the degree. The answer was an emphatic yes. I had paid the enrollment fee before I even asked about them. I spend a lot of time and money completing these courses. I was then told by multiple people that I could not use either one towards my degree after completing them. I was not told at any time while working on these courses that I should stop taking them. I would not have taken those courses had I known there was even a chance they would not be accepted. I was told by one person that I must have been confused when I signed up for those courses and other excuses were given by another person. But I was told in writing by their own advisor to take those courses. I told them this and they acted like I didn't say anything.