07-04-2019, 04:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-04-2019, 04:07 AM by yumyum.
Edit Reason: typo
(07-03-2019, 12:24 PM)badooble Wrote: I'm also in the July capstone, and the syllabus definitely now includes an oral presentation. Here is the grading guidline now in the new syllabus:
I'm taking the guided study version (Dr. Tomko), which means I have to submit "Journal Assignments" in addition to the Written Assignments. I assume the journal assignments replace the 'online discussion' participation.
- Online discussions (5)—20%
- Written assignments (4)—30%
- ETS Major Field Test or Written Communication Assessment—10%
- ETS Proficiency Profile—5%
- Capstone project (2 parts)—35%
- Academic research paper—25%
- Oral presentation—10%
There is also a new 'required' textbook (no longer the in-house developed textbook):
- Lester, J. D., & Lester, J. D., Jr. (2018). Writing research papers: A complete guide (16th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson. VitalSource ISBN-13: 978-0134575902
I'm interested in seeing how this new course structure works out for people on this forum. I'll be waiting for feedback.
I feel it's a shame, regarding the new textbook requirement; I felt that the in-house book by Haydel was mostly adequate for the course. I only had a few issues with the in-house textbook while taking the course.
I see the oral presentations as a possible con to the new course structure, but I see a few pros as well: the ETS Proficiency Profile is now worth 5% of your grade, instead of 2%. This part of the course is very easy and you will get these points for simply completing the proficiency profile.
Could you clarify what is meant by the percentage points breakdown in your syllabus? The numbers total out to 135%.