02-15-2019, 11:26 PM
(02-15-2019, 10:38 PM)cookderosa Wrote:There must be some nuance if this is the policy, as TESU clearly allows up to 96 credits from one bachelor's to be used in a second. Perhaps it only applies if "downgrading" degrees (i.e. getting a BA after an MA)?(02-15-2019, 07:36 PM)Merlin Wrote:(02-15-2019, 02:02 PM)sanantone Wrote:(02-15-2019, 01:57 PM)satori Wrote: Have BS and MBA in Finance and am working on an MS in Data Science (which I may change to Applied Statistics). Can I use credits from my grad degrees for a BA in Computer Science and Mathematics at TESU? I think Excelsior will not let you use the credits if they have been used for another degree. Thanks.
TESU will let you use the credits, but you'll need to meet the requirements for new credits. New credits are credits earned after the last degree of any level is conferred.
I think that basically translates as you can only use credits that have not been used in support of a prior degree (one that has already been conferred). If you want to use them towards a degree at TESU they must be new credits. Most colleges (like Excelsior) have similar policies in that regard... double dipping is not allowed.
I think Merlin is right- TESU only lets you do that when the credits haven't been used in a degree - not sure about EC
BA History & Psychology, Thomas Edison State University, March 2020
ASNSM Mathematics, Thomas Edison State University, March 2020
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JD, Cornell Law School, Class of 2024
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BA History & Psychology, Thomas Edison State University, March 2020
ASNSM Mathematics, Thomas Edison State University, March 2020
Up Next:
JD, Cornell Law School, Class of 2024
Link to all credits earned: Link