08-12-2018, 11:58 PM
Awesome details @jeremyc3434 - thanks!
PhD, Leadership, University of the Cumberlands - What Have I Done!!?!!
MBA, Healthcare Management, Western Governors University - in progress
MS, Management and Leadership, Western Governors University - 2017
BS, Business Administration, Thomas Edison State University - 2016
RANSOMSOUL: Exchange Good For Great
The Ultimate Route to Earning a Bachelor's Degree in Business: A StraighterLine Success Story
MBA, Healthcare Management, Western Governors University - in progress
MS, Management and Leadership, Western Governors University - 2017
BS, Business Administration, Thomas Edison State University - 2016
RANSOMSOUL: Exchange Good For Great
The Ultimate Route to Earning a Bachelor's Degree in Business: A StraighterLine Success Story