03-02-2008, 08:09 PM
Devilry Wrote:I dont mind to hijack your thread. But do History 1 & 2 overlap? It just seems logical by title they could/should be studied and tested at the same time to me. I might be wrong! Would like to hear from someone with experience>>
Yes, you will get the civil war and reconstruction on both- but on US1 it is a big piece, on US2 it is a small piece. I also seem to remember a few questions that asked for a bit of recall- which rights/amendments/laws came first (something like that). I took them in order-I can't remember my exact time line, but I seem to remember completing US1 and then about 2 weeks later did US2, then about a week later did social science and history. If you take both US histories and one or more of the other social sciences (sociology, psychology, edu psych) you really are 90% ready and should add it to your list.