05-14-2006, 09:26 AM
RBOWMAN Wrote:You probably have noticed that there have been no postings from me for the past two weeks. Our youngest daughter, Nicole, was diagnosed with cervical cancer just 14 days ago. She is now in the process of determining her next few steps in life to deal with raising a 10 year old son and fighting a battle she was so terribly unprepared for in all facets of her life. She lives in Minnesota..so we were there to help support her. Then while there, my Mother in New York had her Alzheimer's go from bad to rotten so we traveled over to Binghamton and had her placed on hospice. Life certainly can deal all of us some very humbling blows at a moments notice. I love to write and won the national award for creative writing some years back and then wrote a well none and often quoted Alzheimer's poem of tribute to my Mom called,"Nothing Left To Say". I mention all of this because right now with all that's going on I feel as if I want to find some words to say what my wife and I are feeling, but they have escaped me, Iam "hoping" to find them again very soon.
Okay, onto the other stuff... no, I haven't received the test results from THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE RACE TO SAVE THE PLANET. I expect to hear any day. I'll let you know when I do. Also, tesc , has agreed to accept this as a science credit. AND, finally, the posting I did regarding this test, I posted immediately after taking the test. It should be very, very right on in terms of the format and questions. If you can find the answers to these questions and use instantcert ...you'll do great. I promise. I was surprised by the number of noninstantcert question base brought up in this test. Know the answers to the areas I listed and the instantcert materials and all will be well. Take care my friend and God bless!
I am so sorry to hear about your awful problems right now. I can only imagine what you and your wife must be going through.
I will be praying for you and your family.
Please try to stay hooked up with us here so that we can encourage you when you need it, pray with you when you desire it, and celebrate with you when you deserve it.
You're in our thoughts,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.
Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.
Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0