01-05-2018, 01:13 PM
I think its good to switch around between different providers because you will get burnt out just using one. I did nine study.com courses in about the same number of weeks and I was really glad to get that last course finished. I personally enjoyed their course format for its ease of use and only needing to use Remote Proctor vs. Proctor U. But I couldn't have done all my credits through them. I took the World Religions and Speech courses there and they were pretty easy IMO. I've heard SL is good too but since I didn't take the same courses twice I can only speak to my experience with the one provider. I guess whichever one you use will be the one you recommend to others if it went well and if it didn't you'll probably warn people away from that particular option. If you can get the scholarship from study.com I wouldn't hesitate to use them. But whatever format you choose you'll probably want to switch them up every so often just to break up the tediousness.
MTS Nations University - September 2018
BA.LS.SS Thomas Edison State University -September 2017
BA.LS.SS Thomas Edison State University -September 2017