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Where are all the UL 'Natural Science' classes?
No matter what degree at TESU you choose, it's ALL about the Upper-Level courses- always.

It can be very difficult to complete many majors at TESU since they do not offer all the courses to complete all the degrees (I believe this is very rare for a college, but it is very normal for TESU).

There is always the "default" that a person could just take courses at TESU if they can't find them cheaper/faster elsewhere....but that's not always true. Check the catalog to see *if they offer ALL the courses you would need. If they do, that's your safety net. From there, you can start taking courses OUT of your TESU cart and getting them elsewhere (if they meet your needs in a better way).

Speaking of financial aid, Pell Grant is almost $6000, so if you qualify, the comprehensive would be a great way to take advantage. It is almost impossible to use a Pell Grant while piecemealing a degree from other sources, so that is one instance where it works well (I did that for my TESU degree).

Here is the catalog of all their online courses:

For the sake of discussion- I can only find 3 upper-level courses in biology or environmental science. As for the other sciences, they offer zero upper-level chemistry, astronomy, physics, geology, or earth science. If you start adding in computers, you can pick up several.

Man's Best Friend: The Biology and Behavior of Dogs (BIO-310)
Global Environmental Change (ENS-314) ***6 credits***
Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice (ENS-360)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Where are all the UL 'Natural Science' classes? - by cookderosa - 01-02-2018, 09:43 PM

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