I was advised Strategic Information Technology, will transfer over as CIS-301, Management Information Systems.
Would have been duplicate credit for me.☹
I took the course final (not the proctored for credit final) cold, without reading or looking through the materials and scored a 73. I'm in IT YMMV.
Would have been duplicate credit for me.☹
I took the course final (not the proctored for credit final) cold, without reading or looking through the materials and scored a 73. I'm in IT YMMV.
TESC BSBA in progress
American Gov., Analysing and Interpreting Lit., Freshman College Comp., German, His. of US I, His. of US II, Humanities, Info Sys. & Comp. App, Intro to Bus Law, Intro to Psy., Intro to Soc., Natural Sciences, Prin. of Accounting, Prin. of Macroeconomics, Prin. of Management, Prin. of Marketing, Prin. of Microeconomics, Soc. Sci. & History, Western Civ. I, Western Civ. II
Bus. Law II, Criminal Justice, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Fund. Of Counseling, Here's to Your Health, Human Cultural Geog., Intro. to Law Enforcement, Prin. of Supervision, Western Europe Since 1945, Advanced Principles of English Composition, Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management
UExcel / ECE
College Writing (B), Business Ethics (B)
Networking Technology
Business Statistics, College Algebra
BUS210: Corporate Communication (70)
Davar Academy
FIN 301 Introduction to Finance (85)
Project Management
American Gov., Analysing and Interpreting Lit., Freshman College Comp., German, His. of US I, His. of US II, Humanities, Info Sys. & Comp. App, Intro to Bus Law, Intro to Psy., Intro to Soc., Natural Sciences, Prin. of Accounting, Prin. of Macroeconomics, Prin. of Management, Prin. of Marketing, Prin. of Microeconomics, Soc. Sci. & History, Western Civ. I, Western Civ. II
Bus. Law II, Criminal Justice, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Fund. Of Counseling, Here's to Your Health, Human Cultural Geog., Intro. to Law Enforcement, Prin. of Supervision, Western Europe Since 1945, Advanced Principles of English Composition, Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management
UExcel / ECE
College Writing (B), Business Ethics (B)
Networking Technology
Business Statistics, College Algebra
BUS210: Corporate Communication (70)
Davar Academy
FIN 301 Introduction to Finance (85)
Project Management