03-24-2017, 01:21 PM
dfrecore Wrote:Well, that is so weird. Originally, the DSST was Intro to Computing, and the CLEP was Info Systems and Computer Applications and they although they had different course numbers, they still duplicated each other at TESU. Then, Study.com had the courses for these, and they were prep courses. Once they became actual credit-bearing courses, TESU gave them course numbers, and said they did not duplicate. I did not pay much attention to the course numbers, because I thought they were given the same course equivalencies as the CLEP and DSST that they were modeled after.
Obviously, I was wrong in telling you this would work and I apologize. It seems as if TESU changed the equivalencies for the DSST & CLEP to the same course number, and that that particular exam at Study.com duplicates both of them. BUT, the Info Sys & Computer Apps course does NOT duplicate any of those 3.
Again, I am really sorry for steering you wrong there. I'm completely confused about what they did here, and can't figure out for the life of my why they changed it all around to what they did, as none of it makes any sense.
I hope you still have access to Study.com and can take the other exam and have it count differently, but as always, you should always check with TESU to get the courses planned into your degree before taking them, because things can and do change regularly.
Agh, okay that's not problem. I figured at least one or two courses would end up not counting for some stupid reason.
Luckily I do still have study.com, so do you think I could possibly take Business 104 - Info systems and computer applications on study.com that transfers as CIS 102 to TESU and have that count as my natural world requirement? I could do nutrition but I already have 82/100 quizzes done on BUS104 due to overlap from the other computer course. I will of course ask TESU, I just don't want to bother asking if it for sure wouldn't work.