gremlinbrawler Wrote:I've taken the Information Systems CLEP - and that's in my Professional Requirement section but that's all I've taken as far as computer courses so I could maybe take the BUS109- Intro to computing on for my Science requirement? That wouldn't overlap right? I'm doing BSBA- HR by the way.
Thanks for the tip! I'm all for short, easy courses. And I had taken a look at the Earth Science one so thanks for the advice! I will definitely steer clear of it now!
I don't know CLEP at all, so I can't help you with what they come in as. KayV or dfrecore can answer that for you. The CLEP you mentioned does sound like the same course so you will probably need to take the Business 109. There are 75 quizzes, but many of them I was able to pass without even reading the lessons. For my evaluation, TESU put the Business 104 course into the Science section, and the Business 109 course into the Business core, but they are interchangeable.
For the courses - Business 104 transfers to TESU as CIS-102 and Business 109 is COS-101. I was super pumped when I contacted TESU and they confirmed that they do not overlap and that I could use both. I was not looking forward to more "true" Science courses, especially after Earth Science took forever.