03-18-2016, 11:41 AM
Having done quite a few of them (see signature below), I'd probably recommend either Intro. to Nutrition or Intro. to Communication - just depending on which one he thinks he'd enjoy most given his particular likes or aptitudes. If he thinks he may like them, American Gov't or US History I wouldn't be bad choices either. I enjoyed and breezed through American Government and the History courses, but I know plenty of people who hate all things Social Studies that would want to avoid them the same way I avoid Chemistry & Biology. 
Intro. to Communication would probably be a good place to start since it isn't particularly difficult and it's a required class at most schools you'd transfer it to. Just so long as he understands that the webcam speech part of it is unique and won't be a part of the other SL courses.
Although I did not take this one, I considered it when I needed to fill some some elective slots. Then I saw that there are also things you have to do outside of the regular coursework - like complete a 5K. This class probably still wouldn't be super "hard", but I don't think I'd recommend it to most folks unless they're already very active in the personal fitness area.

Intro. to Communication would probably be a good place to start since it isn't particularly difficult and it's a required class at most schools you'd transfer it to. Just so long as he understands that the webcam speech part of it is unique and won't be a part of the other SL courses.
rebel100 Wrote:Anyone taken Personal Fitness and Wellness? That looks pretty straightforward too.
Although I did not take this one, I considered it when I needed to fill some some elective slots. Then I saw that there are also things you have to do outside of the regular coursework - like complete a 5K. This class probably still wouldn't be super "hard", but I don't think I'd recommend it to most folks unless they're already very active in the personal fitness area.
MBA - WGU - In Progress
BA Social Sciences - TESU - 2016
BA Social Sciences - TESU - 2016