01-28-2014, 02:02 AM
ironheadjack Wrote:As I said before if you take a few courses through ALEKS and have them added to your transcript, they will probably move the calculus courses to your area of study. But if they don't all you have to do is ask them to move them.
If you want to use ALEKS to work your way back up to calculus level you will probably have extra credits left over. If I am reading your transcript correctly you need 10 credits in your area of study, 7 of which need to be upper level(300-400). Only 1 of your calculus courses will actually fit into your AOS, and then you'll need 7UL credits.
That was a really big question of mine you've answered ironheadjack! Must have missed it in your post earlier. I'll be happy if even one of those review classes with ALEKS bumps the Calculus up to the AOS.
And Lindagerr you are spot on! That's the issue I was drifting on... I just wanted the flexibility to take either another 100 level course that would fill the slot for college math since they were using my 200 level Calculus course to fill it instead of using it in my AOS.
You guys absolutely rock in this forum! I really hope I'll be able to get this knocked out soon. Each and every one of you has been a huge help! Thank you a million times!