07-17-2013, 11:55 AM
namwen Wrote:Also, we need some computer curriculum of some sort. I'd like the kids to get familiar with Word and comupters in general.
Are you familiar with Khan Academy? When I used it for testing, it was very rudimentary, but now it's AWESOME. Besides being free (my favorite price) it tracks the student and has assignments,etc. If you go in and click "math" you'll see a very linear and sequential approach step by step. So, you watch the video(s) and then they give you practice questions. It's set up on an algorithm to predict when your child's likelihood of getting the next question right is a certain %, then they have mastery and you get a solidly filled circle (mastery) and you move on to the next material. Love love love it. It's not grade based, it's subject based. In addition, there are new subjects being added all the time. We actually switched from loyal ALEKS users to only Khan. I'll be going Khan--> CLEP/DSST instead of ALEKS from here on out.
Also, here is a great little computer based (also free) complete curriculum that I found last year. We use it in bits and pieces, but you might find it contains almost everything you need. High School | Easy Peasy -- All in One Homeschool
Lastly, as a recovering curriculum addict, I suggest you set a budget lol.