07-27-2012, 11:01 AM
The following could come in handy:
General Health - Heath wellness is the primary responsibility of the individual. Understand fitness, resting heart rate, how should a new college student whose gained 20 pounds in a semester progress to fitness. Know the definition of isometric, restictive & isokinetic exercises. 1 lb = approx 3500 cal. Which nutriet has more cal per gram: protein, fat or carbs?
Know about genetic theory of programmed aging, free radical theory & wear and tear theory. Know the stages of death and dying i.e. denial, anger, bargaining, depression etc., Know about social death and secularization of the aging.
Know about hospice care, that lung cancer is the leading cause of death by a cancer & most preventable. Know about breast cancer, and that skin cancer is a melanoma. Know the difference between benign & malignant.
Alcoholism: Know about binge drinking, what percentage of death is caused by drunk driving. What is tolerance? What are the signs & symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome?
Smoking: know about nicotine, carbon monoxide and its ill effects.
General Health - Heath wellness is the primary responsibility of the individual. Understand fitness, resting heart rate, how should a new college student whose gained 20 pounds in a semester progress to fitness. Know the definition of isometric, restictive & isokinetic exercises. 1 lb = approx 3500 cal. Which nutriet has more cal per gram: protein, fat or carbs?
Know about genetic theory of programmed aging, free radical theory & wear and tear theory. Know the stages of death and dying i.e. denial, anger, bargaining, depression etc., Know about social death and secularization of the aging.
Know about hospice care, that lung cancer is the leading cause of death by a cancer & most preventable. Know about breast cancer, and that skin cancer is a melanoma. Know the difference between benign & malignant.
Alcoholism: Know about binge drinking, what percentage of death is caused by drunk driving. What is tolerance? What are the signs & symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome?
Smoking: know about nicotine, carbon monoxide and its ill effects.