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How do you know about CLEP?
cpstudent Wrote:It is good to see other homeschoolers on this forum!

hilarious [SIZE="6"]Hahahaha!!!! [/SIZE]hilarious

[SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"]Home schooled and paying the mortage, working 2 jobs, married 24 years with 3 kids to raise....AND still going to school at home, work, and just about anywhere else I can get my "home-school-work" done.

Welcome to the real (my) world kid!! Big Grin

Actually I'm sure you will do well and I wish you luck![/COLOR]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Basket Weaver Wrote:I am currently taking the sole brick & mortar class needed for my bachelor’s degree, it's English Composition. I'm taking it because it's faster than waiting 2 months for Excelsior to grade an ECE English Comp test:confused: ...... Anyways, my 1,000 word Expository Essay assignment was written on this very subject: Accelerated Distance Learning. I don't think it was too popular with the instructor, as I bashed colleges for being more about the money than the students, but I nevertheless received an "A" on it. I think that once the word gets out, in force, colleges will have no choice but to change their attitude. I know I have become an advocate for testing out of classes as there's no need to waste 8-16 weeks learning/relearning a subject if you can show a mastery of the subject on an objective test.

I learned about these tests in the military, as did many of the other students on this forum. I know I never would have completed college if weren't for testing out, or IC. Lee
I wish I had seen this post before I posted my question earlier about the Job search and getting a degree online instead of through traditional classes.

I love the fact that you did an Expository Essay on Accelerated Distance Learning. I am currently taking a speech class online, but we have to go into the classroom and do 3 speeches over an 8 week period. I have to come up with a 5 minute speech for next Thursday. What a great idea. Now the question is, will I get an A?

I love this forum.
I found out about CLEP when I was in the military; in fact, they really promoted it. I think you'll find that a lot of people who use CLEP are military or former military.
Great to see other homeschoolers on this site!

Brad Voeller's book is a very good resource; he discusses the value of speed reading and mega memory concepts which I haven't seen mentioned on this forum, yet.

I learned about CLEP through Oak Brook College of Law Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy

InstantCert is a God-send! I have used InstantCert for English Comp (without essay) and the general Humanities exam (64) after 1 1/2 weeks of study (we had a sick pony and he took alot of time). Wikipedia is a great resource for this exam, plus familiarize yourself with paintings and the various styles of different artists. This can be done in an Encyclopedia (Ours is a 1979 World Book--nothing too fancy. I had a female family member clothe many a painting and sculpture with a black sharpie marker--not a bad idea). Plus, review photos of different styles of architecture (Gothic, Greek, etc) and main players in history and their works (Frank Lloyd Wright and Falling Water, etc.). My community college awards 9 credits for Humanities--3 over the ACE recommendation.

Scheduled to take the Introductory Sociology CLEP on Friday. I took the Peterson's test tonight after work (scored 70), but still feel unprepared. I am encouraged, however, after combing this site for information, though!
I heard about proficiency exams from the US Military. They promote them as a means to get credit affordably (it's FREE to military members) and it's easier to do for some in the field than distance learning or traditional classes.

I have uttered CLEP or DSST/DANTES to other classmates and they look at me as if I speak another language...what? Some of the staff at my own college were unsure how to handle the difference between CLEP and DSST exams, and for a year and a half I was only getting 3 credits on several 6 credit CLEPs! My education using the proficiency exam system has in turn educated parts of my college admin staff.

I suspect colleges don't promote it terribly because colleges are, after all, in the business of making money. Helping students get a degree is secondary. I have 27 credits in proficiency exams now, and the total cost of exams and study materials is less than 5% of what my tuition for the same credits would have been.

I agree with the person here who said if everone did this, it would revolutionize the college experience. I am now a proficiency-exam ADVOCATE!
I found out about CLEP and Dantes from the University of Phoenix and it changed my life and given me so much hopehilarious

I first learned about clep at a homeschool conference through Global Learning Strategies. They were there to give homeschoolers an alternative to traditional college through CLEP and Dantes exams.

Mattie Smile
total 102
Cleps 90 credits
English Comp w/ essay, Humanities, Analyzing & Interpreting Lit, Social Science& Hist., College Math, Info Systems, Nat. Sciences, English Lit, American Lit, Psychology, Ed Psychology, Hum Growth & Dev., SpanishII, Marketing, Managment, and Biology, US history I,
Dantes 12 Credits
Technical Writing, Ethics in America, Org Behavior, Gen Anthropology, Fudamentals of Counseling.
Up Coming tests-
Social Psychology, Psychology of Personality.
Were you homeschooled Mattie?
Southron Boy

CLEP: English Comp w/ essay, English Comp w/o essay, American Gov't, U.S. History I, A & I Lit, Humanities, Intro Sociology, Intro to Psyc, Human Growth & Development, Intro to Ed Psyc, Prin of Management, Prin of Marketing, Business Law

DSST: Technical Writing

Yes, I was homeschooled all 12 years. Actually, I just graduated june 06. I'm hoping to have my Bachelors in Social Sciences and history by June 07, thanks to Cleps and dantes. I'm enrolled with Thomas Edison, but using the global learning strategies college plus program as well. That's how I found CLEP.

Mattie Smile
total 102
Cleps 90 credits
English Comp w/ essay, Humanities, Analyzing & Interpreting Lit, Social Science& Hist., College Math, Info Systems, Nat. Sciences, English Lit, American Lit, Psychology, Ed Psychology, Hum Growth & Dev., SpanishII, Marketing, Managment, and Biology, US history I,
Dantes 12 Credits
Technical Writing, Ethics in America, Org Behavior, Gen Anthropology, Fudamentals of Counseling.
Up Coming tests-
Social Psychology, Psychology of Personality.
Regis University in Denver, CO makes it a point to tell students about CLEP and Dantes during new student orientation. In fact, they strongly encourage testing and/or challenging classes, and assembling portfollios to get credit quickly. I'm in an adult learning program, and Regis is very sensitive to working adults' perpetual time crunch. It appears other colleges/universities are not as informative.

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