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Introductory Sociology
Hi Guys,

I stumbled on these forums while doing some research for this Clep exam so I thought I would make an account, seems like there is some great info.

Anyways, I am going to be taking the Introductory Sociology CLEP as well as one other this semester in order to graduate in May!!

I signed up for the Sociology CLEP for next Thursday (Jan. 28) and I was wondering if that is enough time to prepare for the exam? This will be my first Clep ever.

I have the REA book from the library, no CD though Sad Any other recommended sources for studying? Wouldn't mind if they were free...haha.

Thanks so much, sorry for the long first post.

I have taken about ten CLEP's so far and this one was the easiest for me. I use the Rea and Instant cert. I also used the CLEP Official study guide ( just an extra practice test). I got the highest score I have ever made a 71. I studied about two weeks but I also went on a trip and got sick so I didn't study that much that week. If you can get a 60% on practice tests you should be good. It's pretty much learning their vocabulary. Other wise it's a lot of common sense. Elizabeth
Join Instantcert. Best $20 you could spend.

Then you can read the specific exam feedback
Set yourself goals, not limitations
walzber06 Wrote:I have the REA book from the library, no CD though Sad Any other recommended sources for studying? Wouldn't mind if they were free...haha.
Don't sweat not having the REA Testware CD. REA's CDs are overrated, as they include the exact same tests as the book, just in computer form. Not worth the extra money in my opinion. That you were able to get the guide from the library is great!

Tasman is absolutely right: IC flashcards & feedback make the best place to start. Here's a chunk of the feedback I posted for the exam listing the resources I used:
  • InstantCert – this is a great way to dive in, though it lacks a few details
  • REA’s Sociology book – scored a 64% on the first exam and 86% on the second
  • Peterson’s test available for printing (questions/answers) – scored a 74%
  • CLEP Official questions – scored a 76%
  • I looked over the second two online Peterson’s tests (the first one is the same as the printed one I took before) – I just looked through for questions I couldn’t answer
  • A sociology textbook from my library – I skimmed through two or three chapters and looked at some of the charts – handy for statistical questions (“Which is a trend in the US...” etc.)
walzber06 Wrote:Thanks so much, sorry for the long first post.
Hey, that's not a long post at all. Some of us can get pretty detailed about this whole degree-earning thing -- and there's nothing wrong with that!

Good luck with Sociology,
[SIZE="1"]American Government (68) ~ Analyzing & Interpreting Literature (70) ~ Art of the Western World (72) ~ Astronomy (66) ~ ENG407: Chaucer (A) ~ Civil War & Reconstruction (69) ~ College Algebra (62) ~ College Mathematics (73) ~ College Writing (A) ~ English Composition with Essay (59) ~ GRE Literature in English (610/73%tile) ~ Humanities (75) ~ Introduction to Business (62) ~ Introduction to Computing (459) ~ Introduction to Educational Psychology (72) ~ Introduction to World Religions (478) ~ Introductory Psychology (74) ~ Money & Banking (48) ~ Research & Writing (A) ~ Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (68) ~ ENG 310: Short Stories (A) ~ Introductory Sociology (77) ~ Social Sciences & History (76) ~ Technical Writing (67) ~ US History I (69) ~ US History II (64) ~ Western Civilization I (76) ~ Western Civilization II (65) Western Europe Since 1945 (65) ~ Exam Feedback

Total Credits: 121 ~ DONE: Literature in English BA from Excelsior College[/SIZE]
Thanks for your help guys! I made an account on IC, do you think one full week of studying is enough time or should I bump the date back a few weeks?
ShotoJuku Wrote:[SIZE="2"]
"A Pass is a Pass"
"Slow and Steady - Wins the Race"
[B][I]“Sometimes The Easy Way Is Not Always The Best Way”

"Passing a Petersons = Conquering a CLEP -or- Defeating a DSST"
"The 5 R's of Study: Repetition - Re-Enforces - Recognition - Recall - Retention"[/B][/I]
"Always be Ready to Release Your Mind & Incorporate the Advice of Others into Your Plans."
"Studying is much like Boiling Water, if it is not Heated Constantly it will Once Again Become Cold Water."

Other Sources of CLEP & DSST Study Material
REA Books, Comex Books, Pass Your Class Guides, Standard Deviants DVD's, Petersons Practice Exams, [COLOR="Gold"]Dummies Books, Idiot's Guides [/COLOR]. Big Grin[/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"]Study Time: How I Did It…[/SIZE]

Pre-Study-Prep: Obtain or set up whatever materials I will need to study (IC Flashcards, REA Books, Standard Deviants Videos, Pass-Your-Class Guides, and Petersons Practice Exams.

Week One: Begin to read books, review flashcards, watch videos. Call your test center and make an appointment in advance as they sometimes require a few weeks advance notice)

Week Two: Re-read books, review flashcards, watch videos Take 1-2 practice exams

Week Three: Continue to review all materials, take additional/final practice exams. You should be passing these with room to spare. Take real exam at end of the week and PASS.

Note you should have at this point already acquired pre-study-prep materials for your next exam so as not to waste time.[/COLOR]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
walzber06 Wrote:Thanks for your help guys! I made an account on IC, do you think one full week of studying is enough time or should I bump the date back a few weeks?
It could be enough, but two weeks is probably a better idea, especially since (I assume) this is your first CLEP. I spent at least a month on US History II, my first CLEP, before sitting for the exam. Even though Sociology is a fair bit easier, better safe than sorry.
[SIZE="1"]American Government (68) ~ Analyzing & Interpreting Literature (70) ~ Art of the Western World (72) ~ Astronomy (66) ~ ENG407: Chaucer (A) ~ Civil War & Reconstruction (69) ~ College Algebra (62) ~ College Mathematics (73) ~ College Writing (A) ~ English Composition with Essay (59) ~ GRE Literature in English (610/73%tile) ~ Humanities (75) ~ Introduction to Business (62) ~ Introduction to Computing (459) ~ Introduction to Educational Psychology (72) ~ Introduction to World Religions (478) ~ Introductory Psychology (74) ~ Money & Banking (48) ~ Research & Writing (A) ~ Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (68) ~ ENG 310: Short Stories (A) ~ Introductory Sociology (77) ~ Social Sciences & History (76) ~ Technical Writing (67) ~ US History I (69) ~ US History II (64) ~ Western Civilization I (76) ~ Western Civilization II (65) Western Europe Since 1945 (65) ~ Exam Feedback

Total Credits: 121 ~ DONE: Literature in English BA from Excelsior College[/SIZE]
I take a little more time but others (who may not be working fulltime) have crammed this in a few days. You need to assess your personal obligations and how much time you can invest. Most material will be retained if studied a little each day over a period of time.

Read the REA book and take the tests. As another member posted, the CDs are not worth the additional money, especially if you can get the book from your local library for free. I copy the IC cards to a Word document, print and carry with me and read a minimum of 3 or 4 times, depending on the subject matter. I make up another Word document from the IC forum Exam Specific Feedback, listing the items others have said need additional study and search on the Internet and Widipedia for that material. Again, I can read it through a few times and carry it with me, if needed. (Lately, I'm not printing out -- just reading off my computer, as I get more comfortable with this method).

Then I check out to see if there are any free Peterson's tests available for the test I've planned. If so, they generally have 3 tests you can take over 90 days.

For me this amount of work cannot be done in that short a period of time, while working full time and other obligations involved. Three to 4 weeks is more normal for me but then again I am older and I have to work harder to get my memory to engage Smile

If you are a new IC member, make sure to check out the Exam Specific Forum for your subject(s). Once you have signed in and clicked on discussions, there is another sign on area to the right. Once you have signed on, you will see at the bottom a new (4th) forum and there it is. Click on that and look around.

Welcome to the forum. What other CLEP do you think you will take?

CLEP Principles of Management 77
CLEP Intro to Sociology 74
CLEP Principles of Marketing 78
CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications 75
CLEP Intro to Psychology 80
CLEP Intro Business Law 72
CLEP Principles of Macroeconomics 73
CLEP A & I Lit 75
CLEP Principles of Microeconomics 72
CLEP Financial Accounting 62
DSST Ethics in America 468
CLEP Natural Science 72
DSST Org Behavior 80
DSST Finance 462
That's definitely enough time. I spent a few days studying for it and all I used was REA. If you're unsure about anything, just look it up on wikipedia and you should be good to go. I found that taking notes as I read the material really helps solidify the info in my brain. Smile
[SIZE="1"]Tests passed:
CLEP Eng. Comp. w/Essay 65
CLEP Humanities 71
CLEP Human Growth and Development 61
CLEP Western Civ. I 63
CLEP Social Sciences and History 60
CLEP College Math 80
CLEP College Algebra 80
CLEP American Lit. 66
CLEP English Lit 66
CLEP A&I Lit 74
CLEP Introductory Psych 73
CLEP Introductory Soc 70
CLEP US History I 64
CLEP Natural Sciences 58
DSST Technical Writing 71
DSST Here's To Your Health 431
DSST Intro to World Religions 452
DSST Art of the Western World 66

Courses passed:
BCC Shakespeare I - A
BCC Writing Fiction I - A
BCC Writing Poetry I - A
BCC Drawing for Animation I - A
BCC Accounting 101 - A
TESC Intro to Children's Lit - A
TESC Literary Roots of Western Culture - A
TESC African Encounters - A

18 FEMA credits passed

I'M ALL DONE!! Thank you, Lord! :coolgleam:

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