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here's the fact, Palin as early as this year address the Alaskan Independent party whose founder has made more derogatory statement about American than even Rev. Wright. Palin husband was a part the party whose sole mission is to suceed from the United States, now to me that is what anti-American is in it's worse form! Now under the consitution we are allowed to be crititics of our country and Government. So we need to understand the rights afforded to us under our most cherish document.
Further more for Palin to say that, because she lives close to Russia that gives her foreign policy experience is the most absurd thing i've heard in a long time. The fact is this, what we have done in Iraq will come back to bite us in the ass. Fow any os us familiar with the middle east, understand that Iraq was the buffer zone between IRAN AND Siria, we have created an additional enemy to Isreal. Iraq will be aleign with Iran in the future, because they share the same ideological views. And to top it all off, since we have topple Saddam, the Christians that were protected under saddam are now being forced out of the country and are being persecuted.
I have had the priviledge of growing up overseas and witness first hand what people really say about us Americans when they think you are from elsewhere.
We are fighting a protracted war which is killing our resources, at some point maybe not today, maybe not tomm, we will have to have a honest discussion about how we intend on paying for all of this. This is more than Rep and Dems for me, I'm an AMERICAN first and foremost, and right now Mccain still has not provided me with a solid idea.
And as far as association goes, I'm tired of Republican playing the fear card, it's done every election cycle, I'm not going to drink that kool-aid.
In my lifetime I've have met or known personally people with not so savouring characters, but with all of that my believe was shaped by an understand that GOD created us to be free moral agents, and that we are all personally responsible for ourselves. my point is, Associations to some extent raises questions, however, speaking from personal experiences, none of my bad association shaped my beliefs.
I believe in personal reponsibility, because in the end GOD will not judge us by our company, HE will judge us by our deeds.
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[/QUOTE]I believe in personal reponsibility, because in the end GOD will not judge us by our company, HE will judge us by our deeds.[/QUOTE]
If you believe in personal responsibility, how, in any way, can you vote for Obama? His whole campaign is about buying votes of leaches off of the backs of hard working Americans. He doesn't want people to be responsible for themselves, he wants them to depend on him and the democratic party. That's what the entitlements are all about. If you dont pay taxes, you dont get a tax decrease, you get WELFARE!!!!!!!
As a conservative christian, I really like Sarah Palin. Seeing Russia from Alaska was a stupid comment to make but lets look at all of the gaffs Biden has made. I do not have room to type!!!!!!!!!!!!
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11-01-2008, 08:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2008, 08:48 PM by ShotoJuku.)
.....but lets look at all of the gaffs Biden has made.[/QUOTE]
Yes like....It's time to be patriotic and pay more taxes.
Interesting footnote - Thus far this thread has been viewed 255 times yet only 31 members have registered a vote.
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all politician tend to say dumb things once in a while. Who cares Palin stated the russia thing. Biden said on the Helen's show that he didn't want to be VP because that is a pointless job and they do nothing at all. <---- He just admitted he decided tot ake a pointless useless job. My thing is not the color or the way you look or speak but the issues and what you stand for and obviously we all be shown who Obama surrounds himself with and appeals too and no way in Heck will I vote for him.
For those of you that believe the Bible, this shows how easy the true A/C will really fool people.
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Sure biden makes gaffs, but let us be honest here, can anyone say that he does not undertsand the issues, not at all. In the last eight years we have tried something that has not produce any lasting effect and not surprising at all. I will not support Palin, because I want someone in office with at least an average understanding of the issue, We already tried Bush and he has destroyed our party. And to go even further, Mccain just in 2000 said the exact same thing about taxing the wealthy. Now if you say that your'e voting for Mccain because of the right to life issue, then that makes sense, but otherwise both candidate are weak and my decision to roll the dice for someone with an higher IQ is based on a number analysis. I gaurantee that he will govern has a centrist.
To be honest I'm conflicted to vote for him, however, Bush and the rest of the Rep. party has does not deserve anything other than a loss for them to realize that we need to go back to true republican ideals. These current crop of Rep should be voted out! I repeat, they are destroying our party and unless they suffer some deafeat now, our party will be forever loss.
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Am I the only one here that voted for BOB BARR?
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Quote: There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. "Mr. Garrison"[/SIZE]
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Go Ron Paul! If I thought that Barr had a chance I would have voted for him, but the media is so very bad to third parties.
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You bring up Palin's comment about Russia as if it precludes her from the office of VP, then you excuse Biden as if it's no big deal.
He's up on his issues, huh? How 'bout his remark that Roosevelt got on television following the market crash. yeah.
And Obama saying his uncle was with the american troop that helped liberate Auschwitz.
Has the media reminded anyone that Biden was one of the 5 senators that voted against the Alaskan pipeline which has produced over 15 billion barrels of oil (nearly 20% of this nation's supply). Not to mention the thousands of jobs created. The argument was it would harm the caribou. Well doesn't he look like a fool since the caribou increased almost four times its numbers before the pipeline. No one brings that up.
I could go on and on with Biden gaffes but because the media doesn't refresh our memories like they do with any minute misstep of McCain/Palin the American public quickly forgets.
This campaign makes Americans look like a bunch of middle school girls on the playground. It's discouraging. Although, I am still proud of my country unlike Mrs. Obama.
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I was speaking to a college admissions rep a couple of days ago. The university she represents is in Western Pa. and she mentioned that both Biden and Palin were on her campus last Thursday. She said it was set up that Biden was to be in their brand new multi-million dollar sportsplex and Palin was set up in the outside stadium. It was cold and windy that day. Now if that doesn't say it all.
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mrs Obama was justify in saying what she did. How many of us have heard about the tuskegee Experiment? We have to understand how distrustful some blacks have been about their own Government. I know people who have had family members killed in the 60's and 70's with the Government not doing much in the way of solving the crimes, so we do need to put ourselves in their shoe to inderstand the conflicting feeling that still lingers.
I can't relate to that at all, I have never really been discriminated against, so my point is not saying that it's acceptable, but to understand how and why people are still distrustful. Anyway, back to Palin, her problem has been first impression, any one of those questions posed by Gibson from ABC or Couric, could have been answered easily by any of us I'm sure. Biden talks to much and that's indisputable, however having closely followed politics over the last 30 plus years, I know with-out a shawdow of a doubt that he knows his stuff. Are you telling me that her association with a group whoes wishes is to separate from the United States is okay? I have a serious problem with that.
We have become in this country to Partisan, including the networks, Fixnews is in the Tank for the Republicans, MSNBC, is in the tank for the Democrats. As I have said, I am first and foremost an American and I spent my time in the primary as a volunteer for the Republican party, so I am well aware of some of the things Mccain have said in the past too andon the issue of taxes, he's got a real weak arguement, because of things he said over and over again about the Bush tax cut, furthermore he talks about taxing the Rich more too, so he's got no valid point.