The total cost of the San Miguel DBA via Excellent DBA appears to be higher than previously thought. I found a few other fees disclosed in the document CUE sent after requesting information on emagister.
The program is 1500 euros, plus 695 euros for the graduation and apostille fee, plus 50-100 euros to mail the documents to you, plus the fees to have San Miguel issue the degree after you complete the CUE doctorate (about 650 euros in total costs http://online.campusuniversitarioeuropeo...tificados/). The total cost to get a DBA from San Miguel comes to roughly 2950 euros. Still reasonable if it evaluates to RA equivalent by a NACES member, but if it's only going to get RA from Validential the value proposition is much lower.
Quote:La expedición del título tendrá un coste de 395 euros (excepto títulos del Excellent Program DBA y PhD que tendrán un coste de 695 euros) incluidos en todos la Apostilla de la Haya.
Quote:En el caso de formación a distancia, el alumnado abonará los gastos de envío de material a la dirección indicada, acogiéndose a las tarifas de envíos nacionales o internacionales que oscilan de los 50 a los 100 euros, dependiendo del peso del material.
The program is 1500 euros, plus 695 euros for the graduation and apostille fee, plus 50-100 euros to mail the documents to you, plus the fees to have San Miguel issue the degree after you complete the CUE doctorate (about 650 euros in total costs http://online.campusuniversitarioeuropeo...tificados/). The total cost to get a DBA from San Miguel comes to roughly 2950 euros. Still reasonable if it evaluates to RA equivalent by a NACES member, but if it's only going to get RA from Validential the value proposition is much lower.