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Grades - How much do you worry about them?
I've had an obsession with getting A's. I had one truly horrible semester around 2001 or so where I got all C's. Basically, took too many classes, worked two jobs and needed eye surgery and classes had labs that required microscope use. It was just awful. 
So, despite getting A's in pretty much everything since, I still only have about a 3.5 GPA. 

But, I had a realization that at this point it probably doesn't matter right? No program I'm likely to take at this point is particularly competitive. I mean, I wouldn't really want a bunch of C's, but, if I just stay north of a 3.0 I'm likely fine right? It doesn't look like much of anything requires more than a 3.0 except like medical school or something. 

I'm sitting here panicking about taking the American Government final even though I have a 98% in the rest of the class.. lol I only need to get 43 questions out of 60 correct to get an A and even if I missed all but two questions I would still pass. But, still with the stupid anxiety about it. 

Do the classes from Straighterline and even count for a grade or does it just show up as pass/fail? 

It looks like now I will be attending WGU if that makes any difference. I found a couple threads where people indicated that grades showed up when they transferred credits to COSC. 

Goodness I would LOVE not to worry about grades for awhile. Smile
Enrolled in WGU MAcc - Start Date 12/01/2019
B&M State College (90 credits 3.57 GPA)
Modern States CLEP  (27 credits) Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (64)  Introduction to Sociology (65) Information Systems (71) Principles of Management (68) Principles of Marketing (73) Principles of Macroeconomics (70) Principles of Microeconomics (53), Introduction to Business Law (60)
Sophia(2 credits)
Straighterline (9)American Government, Western Civilizations I, Introduction to Religion
WGU (71): Organizational Behavior, Spreadsheets, Global Business, Principles of Accounting, Accounting II, Managerial Accounting, Principles of Finance, Business Strategy.. graduated Oct/2019
WGU MAcc (30) Graduated Apr 2020
121 credits earned Dec 23, 2018-Feb 24, 2020 Smile 
For grad schools that are top-ranked in the field, you would want 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, or higher, but it's not going to matter for most of us.

SL,, CLEP, OnlineDegree, Saylor, Davar, etc show up as "CR" for credit. Except SL can show up if you want, if you go to COSC.

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  • Jenniferinfl
I always shoot for A's in every course I take, whether they appear on my transcript as such or not. The lowest score I've gotten so far is an 89, most are in the 96-100 range. I was originally attending COSC for the graded credit option but ended up at TESU because it fit my degree interests better.

It doesn't necessarily help my GPA since most of my credits are non-traditional. However I feel like I'm learning a lot, so it helps me in other areas.
Working on: Debating whether I want to pursue a doctoral program or maybe another master's degree in 2022-23

MBA (IT Management), 2019, Western Governors University
BSBA (Computer Information Systems), 2019, Thomas Edison State University
ASNSM (Computer Science), 2019, Thomas Edison State University

ScholarMatch College & Career Coach
WGU Ambassador
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  • Jenniferinfl, scorpion, suzycupcake
It will all be personal preference. In undergrad I did not care as much about school and finished my biology degree with a 3.1 GPA. Fast forward to my MBA work and I am VERY particular about everything and currently have a 4.0 GPA. I think grades are a great indicator of ones ability to understand the material that they have studied.
Master of Science (M.S.) in Quantitative Management: Business Analytics (2023)
Duke University | The Fuqua School of Business

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) in Management (2019)
Southeastern Oklahoma State University | The John Massey School of Business

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biology (2015)
East Central University | The College of Health Sciences

Accumulated Credit: Undergraduate - 126 Hours, Graduate - 83 Hours
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  • Jenniferinfl
(12-31-2018, 03:55 PM)Merlin Wrote: I always shoot for A's in every course I take, whether they appear on my transcript as such or not. The lowest score I've gotten so far is an 89, most are in the 96-100 range. I was originally attending COSC for the graded credit option but ended up at TESU because it fit my degree interests better.

It doesn't necessarily help my GPA since most of my credits are non-traditional. However I feel like I'm learning a lot, so it helps me in other areas.

I am like you Merlin! I aim to score 90+ points in all my courses too. I do it for my personal satisfaction.
TESU BALS-Psych. + ASNSM(Math) 

TEEX(6): Cybersec. 101/201/301
The Institutes(2): Ethics
Sophia(2): Ess. Of Managing Conflict, Dev. Effective Teams
NFA(1): Comm. Safety Edu.
GED(10): NAS-131, SOC-273, MAT-121, HUM-101 (1) Intro to Psych., Soc. Psych.-1, Growth & Dev. Psych., Personality Psych., History & Systems of Psych., Org. Theory, Library Science, Comm. at Workplace, Intro to World Religion, I/O Psych., Ethics in Soc. Sc., Org. Comm., Eng. 104, Eng. 105, History of Vietnam war, Sp. Ed. History & Law, Diff. Ed., Classroom Mgmt., Foundations of Ed., Abnormal Psych., Rsch. methods in Psych., College Math, Intro. to Geometry., Calculus (6).
Saylor (15): Intro. to Mol. & Cellular Bio., Comp. Politics, Corporate Comm., Env. Ethics, Principles of Comm. 
TESU (1): Cornerstone, Lib. 495 Capstone.
CSM (3): Quant. reasoning. 
Aleks (6): Trigonometry, Intro to Statistics. 

MS-Psychology; Walden University 
GPA: 4/4
[-] The following 1 user Likes Supermind's post:
  • Merlin
I mostly end up with A's but some courses I really didnt care and just half assed the final, I guess knowing its just gonna show up as CR is a bit comforting. Like the insurance ethics or the TEEX I didnt care if I got 70% exact.

When I did C programming I ended with 80s and could have redone it for a better grade but chose not too cause I knew it would show up as pass or fail anyway

Master of Business Administration, Robert Cavelier University (2024-2025)

MS Information and Communication Technology (UK IET Accredited) (On Hold)
Master of Theological Studies, Nations University (6 cr)

UNDERGRAD : 184 Credits

BA Computer Science, TESU  '19
BA Liberal Studies, TESU  '19
AS  Natural Science and Mathematics, TESU  '19

StraighterLine (27 Cr)   Shmoop (18 Cr)  Sophia (11 Cr)
TEEX (5 Cr) Aleks (9 Cr)  ED4Credit (3 Cr) CPCU (2 Cr) (39 Cr)

TESU (4 cr)
TT B&M (46 Cr)  Nations University  (9 cr)  UoPeople: (3 cr) Penn Foster: (8 cr)  

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  • Jenniferinfl
For anything where it's not showing up as a grade, I don't care, unless it's something where I feel like I need to learn the material, or want to learn it for personal reasons. It's just not worth worrying about for me. For anything where I get a grade, I work hard to get the A.

But if you're going to WGU, and everything comes in as a P or CR, it's up to you how much you want to stress, since it's not going to matter to your GPA.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
[-] The following 2 users Like dfrecore's post:
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Just did my first proctored final with Straighterline and pretty much anything that could go wrong did go wrong, got dropped out of the session, couldn't authenticate ID because first proctor loaded webcam orientation incorrectly. Overall, I was a nervous wreck by the time the exam actually started.. lol

Only got an 84% on the open book final (Western Civilization) because of the rough start. Plus, I usually use a desktop and was borrowing my husband's laptop to take the test. I kept mistyping keys and was worried I would accidentally exit the test, so, didn't use the book for the second half. Next time I will plug in my keyboard. Still got an A on the class, but, I will not be getting an A in American Government if the test starts like that.

I was feeling bad that I had already signed up for those two classes and now don't really need them. But, I guess it will be nice getting the ProctorU thing figured out on courses that don't matter.

Still haven't decided whether I will continue to care about my grade or not, think I will care for anything that's actually accounting or that could end up on CPA exam. Anything else, I think my goal will just be passing.
Enrolled in WGU MAcc - Start Date 12/01/2019
B&M State College (90 credits 3.57 GPA)
Modern States CLEP  (27 credits) Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (64)  Introduction to Sociology (65) Information Systems (71) Principles of Management (68) Principles of Marketing (73) Principles of Macroeconomics (70) Principles of Microeconomics (53), Introduction to Business Law (60)
Sophia(2 credits)
Straighterline (9)American Government, Western Civilizations I, Introduction to Religion
WGU (71): Organizational Behavior, Spreadsheets, Global Business, Principles of Accounting, Accounting II, Managerial Accounting, Principles of Finance, Business Strategy.. graduated Oct/2019
WGU MAcc (30) Graduated Apr 2020
121 credits earned Dec 23, 2018-Feb 24, 2020 Smile 
(12-31-2018, 09:10 PM)Jenniferinfl Wrote: Still haven't decided whether I will continue to care about my grade or not, think I will care for anything that's actually accounting or that could end up on CPA exam. Anything else, I think my goal will just be passing.

That's kind of what I did.  For those things which didn't matter to my overall goals (BSBA in HR), I didn't care too too much (I mean, yeah, I guess microeconomics or Intro to Psych might be important to some people, but it just wasn't to me).  For those courses in my major, I got all A's, and made sure I knew the material inside and out.  Priorities.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
[-] The following 1 user Likes dfrecore's post:
  • Jenniferinfl
(12-31-2018, 03:30 PM)Jenniferinfl Wrote: I've had an obsession with getting A's. I had one truly horrible semester around 2001 or so where I got all C's. Basically, took too many classes, worked two jobs and needed eye surgery and classes had labs that required microscope use. It was just awful. 
So, despite getting A's in pretty much everything since, I still only have about a 3.5 GPA. 

But, I had a realization that at this point it probably doesn't matter right? No program I'm likely to take at this point is particularly competitive. I mean, I wouldn't really want a bunch of C's, but, if I just stay north of a 3.0 I'm likely fine right? It doesn't look like much of anything requires more than a 3.0 except like medical school or something. 

I'm sitting here panicking about taking the American Government final even though I have a 98% in the rest of the class.. lol I only need to get 43 questions out of 60 correct to get an A and even if I missed all but two questions I would still pass. But, still with the stupid anxiety about it. 

Do the classes from Straighterline and even count for a grade or does it just show up as pass/fail? 

It looks like now I will be attending WGU if that makes any difference. I found a couple threads where people indicated that grades showed up when they transferred credits to COSC. 

Goodness I would LOVE not to worry about grades for awhile. Smile

I always aim for an A when I take classes that give me a grade, but with pass/fail exams like CLEP, I aimed for a pass. I have a very high GPA, and anything that would +/- my GPA for sure gets a lot of attention.... but that's just how I tick, there isn't any real reason for it. No one cares or asks me my GPA lol.
BUT... it's not stressful for me. I enjoy it, so it's not "work" to get those results.
It's not stressful for me to put in 6 hours on a paper to aim for an A but it's pure torture to get out and exercise for 30 minutes - ha ha. I also enjoy certain types of volunteer work. I can easily dedicate 25 hours per week. Again, not stressful.
My #2 son works like crazy- has since high school. Sometimes 7 days a week for 10-12 hours per day. If he's off more than a couple days per month he's a bear to deal with and his employer loves him- thinks he's the best worker they have. OTOH, he's a solid C+ student. He has enough A's and B's to keep his GPA above a 3.0 but just barely. For him, his degree is checking the box so he can get back to his "real life" at work.
I think my point is that we are all motivated to give our best to different things, don't beat yourself up for preferring one over the other.

If you're attending Charter Oak, then the courses at SL and Study *can* be graded (or not- it's an option) but for the pass/fail classes, they have zero impact on your GPA. Based on your post, my suggestion is to use your stress-energy on the ones that give a grade, and let the others just roll through as pass/fail.

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