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Straighterline English Composition II Review
I was hesitant to enroll my son in this course because it seemed like a lot of work, and I was concerned about the 3-5 day turnaround time listed for grading papers. Well, I'm happy to report the class wasn't all that bad. He has completed the entire course in 3 days - he spent all of Monday working on the lessons, quizzes, and first 4 papers. He read Frankenstein and took those quizzes yesterday, then did 2 papers, and today he wrote the last 2 papers.

3 of the papers are rather short and simple. 2 are about Frankenstein and require 2 to 3 additional cited sources. 3 of the papers are a bit longer and more involved and also require MLA cited sources. The papers were all graded within a matter of hours. Some of the graders seemed to just copy and paste canned responses, while others really thoroughly commented on the content, with both praise and critiques. He is not a terribly strong writer and received scores from 82 to 98 on his essays.

For anyone who is concerned that this course might be way too time consuming, I just wanted to give some encouragement that it absolutely can be done in a short time frame if you can devote yourself fully to it during that time.
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Thanks for the review. I need english comp 2 for TESU (I already have 1) so I was considering doing the CLEP for it since the test questions I have seen were all simple.
We are all on the same side here, trying to better our let's get along and help each other out. 

Learn a trade. Gain technical skills. Make money, then use this money to get a degree...if you have the desire. 

That essay turn around time is good IMO. If you were at a traditional college, you would wait that long or longer.
Credit Sources:
Guilford Technical Community College (59)
U.S Army Training
I took the TECEP, I thought it was pretty easy.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
OakLakeNC Wrote:That essay turn around time is good IMO. If you were at a traditional college, you would wait that long or longer.

It's not great if you are trying to finish the course in a few weeks and want to wait for feedback before turning in the next essay. Fortunately, it wasn't 3-5 days, more like 3-5 hours, which was very impressive.
Thanks Rowan555, keep these coming as I plan on taking a lot of the courses your son is taking. I still haven't decided on how I want to pursue these credits. I have so many options. I'm slightly leaning towards the CLEP since I already took Modular CLEP so kind of know what I'm looking at. The TECEP might be a great option also.
Thomas Edison State University - BSBA: Accounting - September 2017

B&M: Stats, Business Law I, Microeconomics, Business Comm, Computer Concepts and Apps, Financial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting II, Managerial Accounting, Not-for-Profit Accounting
CLEP: Sociology, Psychology, Marketing, College Comp Modular, Human Growth and Development
Institutes: Ethics 312
Aleks: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, PreCalculus
Shmoop: U.S. History I, U.S. History II, Modern European History Principles of Finance, Advanced Accounting I, Applied Managerial Accounting, American Government, Macroeconomics, Principles of Management, Globalization and International Management, English Composition II, Intro to Computing, Public Speaking, Info Systems and Comp Apps
SL: Intermediate Accounting I, Introduction to Religon, Cost Accounting, Western Civilization I/II
TECEP: Strategic Management, Federal Income Tax
Synicaal Wrote:Thanks Rowan555, keep these coming as I plan on taking a lot of the courses your son is taking. I still haven't decided on how I want to pursue these credits. I have so many options. I'm slightly leaning towards the CLEP since I already took Modular CLEP so kind of know what I'm looking at. The TECEP might be a great option also.

Do you need Principles of Management? He found that course boring but a pretty quick SL course to get through - he skimmed the text, skipped the online lessons, and just went to the tests - he's not doing "great" in it but he'll definitely pass. He just wanted to get that one over with.
No I will be taking the Principles of Management CLEP. I get full reimbursement for CLEP exams so it makes more sense to CLEP everything I can.
Thomas Edison State University - BSBA: Accounting - September 2017

B&M: Stats, Business Law I, Microeconomics, Business Comm, Computer Concepts and Apps, Financial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting II, Managerial Accounting, Not-for-Profit Accounting
CLEP: Sociology, Psychology, Marketing, College Comp Modular, Human Growth and Development
Institutes: Ethics 312
Aleks: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, PreCalculus
Shmoop: U.S. History I, U.S. History II, Modern European History Principles of Finance, Advanced Accounting I, Applied Managerial Accounting, American Government, Macroeconomics, Principles of Management, Globalization and International Management, English Composition II, Intro to Computing, Public Speaking, Info Systems and Comp Apps
SL: Intermediate Accounting I, Introduction to Religon, Cost Accounting, Western Civilization I/II
TECEP: Strategic Management, Federal Income Tax
rowan555 Wrote:I was hesitant to enroll my son in this course because it seemed like a lot of work, and I was concerned about the 3-5 day turnaround time listed for grading papers. Well, I'm happy to report the class wasn't all that bad. He has completed the entire course in 3 days - he spent all of Monday working on the lessons, quizzes, and first 4 papers. He read Frankenstein and took those quizzes yesterday, then did 2 papers, and today he wrote the last 2 papers.

3 of the papers are rather short and simple. 2 are about Frankenstein and require 2 to 3 additional cited sources. 3 of the papers are a bit longer and more involved and also require MLA cited sources. The papers were all graded within a matter of hours. Some of the graders seemed to just copy and paste canned responses, while others really thoroughly commented on the content, with both praise and critiques. He is not a terribly strong writer and received scores from 82 to 98 on his essays.

For anyone who is concerned that this course might be way too time consuming, I just wanted to give some encouragement that it absolutely can be done in a short time frame if you can devote yourself fully to it during that time.


My sons are going to do English 1 & 2 in February. I've requested Frankenstein from the library so they can start reading it while they work on English 1. I hoped you'd done an English 1 review similar to this one, but didn't see it - any advice or tips for doing 1 & 2 efficiently? Also, I have the ebook - would you say your son read a lot from it or used mostly online resources like OWL?
cookderosa Wrote:Rowan555,

My sons are going to do English 1 & 2 in February. I've requested Frankenstein from the library so they can start reading it while they work on English 1. I hoped you'd done an English 1 review similar to this one, but didn't see it - any advice or tips for doing 1 & 2 efficiently? Also, I have the ebook - would you say your son read a lot from it or used mostly online resources like OWL?

He took Comp 1 during his one semester at community college, so no review on it. My 15 year old is just beginning Comp 1 at, though, so I'll have thoughts on that one in a bit.

Mostly online resources were used when my son did Comp 2 at SL - he found it a bit overwhelming at times, but he hates writing - hates it with a passion. I have a feeling your kids will do great.
Here Researching for my son, who has done the following:
Community College: Intro to Philosophy, Fundamentals of IT, English Comp 1
Saylor: Intro to Business, Principles of  Marketing, Corporate Communication
Shmoop: US History 2 (WGU won't accept this)
ALEKS: Int. Algebra, College Algebra Personal Finance, Principles of Finance, HR Management, Global Business, Advanced Operations Management
Straighterline: US History 2, Environmental Science, US History, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, English Comp 2, Principles of Management, Business Law, Business Ethics, Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Accounting 1,Communication, Managerial Accounting, Statistics
Ed4Credit: Managing Information Systems
Sophia: Project Management
WGU: Bachelors in HR Management 

Second son is currently attending Penn Foster for his high school diploma, then on to Ashworth for An Associates in Criminal Justice

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