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My ENMU MBA Experience
Classes have started and I must say that I am really enjoying it. So far, I have completed 2 chapter quizzes and a two page paper in the first week. I scored 37/41 and 37/40 in both quizzes.

The two classes I registered for - Organization Behavior and Management Theory (BUS 513) and Managerial Research Analysis (BUS 518) run from January 19 to April 28 and 30 respectively. There is enough time for me to read the assigned chapters, participate in live classes or watch recorded lectures before assignment deadline. For example, the first week assignment (BUS 518) is due February 3, but I was able to complete all required chapter readings, chapter quizzes, and written paper by January 25.

In BUS 513, there are a total of:

6 Discussion Board Assignments @ 20 points each = 120
Chapter Review Essays (14 Essays @ 20 points each) =280

Research Project

i) Problem Statement and Organizational Description = 50 points
ii)Annotated Bibliography =100 points
iii) Research Paper = 250 points

i) Midterm = 100 points
ii) Final 100 points

Total Points possible = 1000

On the other hand, BUS 518 (Managerial Research Analysis) requires us to complete:

A. Chapter quizzes 1-7 (40 points each) 280

B. Discussion Boards 2 (50 points each) 100

B. Homework Assignments 2-6 (50 points each) 300

C. Assignment 7 – Research Proposal 200

D. Theory Examination 120

Total Points Possible 1,000

Though assignments and exams (as far as these two classes are concerned) are not proctored, quizzed and exams are timed. On the average, we will have a week to turn in assignments.
- Akintayo

AA General Studies, 2014. Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

BSBA General Management, 2014 - Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

Bachelor of Religious Studies, 2015 - NationsUniversity
Bachelor of Arts in Management - Leadership, 2016 - Patten University

Arnold Fletcher Award, 2014. Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

Graduate School
Master of Science in Management, MSc - The University of Economics in Bratislava - full time studies

ENMU MBA: 2 classes completed - discontinued as am now to attend a local university in Slovakia

65 Semester Hours from Obafemi Awolowo University
45 Credits from Straighterline
24 Credits from TECEP
13 Credits from Penn Foster College
12 Credits fro ALEKS
4 Credits from TEEX
Thank you very much for the detailed information you've provided. It really helps me narrow down my post-graduation pursuits. Now, I just have to pass college algebra!
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
Nice thread! Some questions:

1) How challenging are each class? How much time do you have to put into each one?

2) There doesn't seem to be any ratemyprofessors reviews for any of the instructors on ENMU. Are you worried about the difficulty of future classes? The very few instructors that were rated on ratemyprofessors seemed to have some nightmare reviews.

3) Do you feel there is a lot of busy work in the courses?

4) If you took a DSST/UExcel exam in Organizational Behavior how did that compare to ENMU's?
How is Managerial Research Analysis (BUS 518) going so far? Is the course hard and is the instructor (Wlamir Xavier )/course expectations any good?
KittenMittens Wrote:Nice thread! Some questions:

1) How challenging are each class? How much time do you have to put into each one?

2) There doesn't seem to be any ratemyprofessors reviews for any of the instructors on ENMU. Are you worried about the difficulty of future classes? The very few instructors that were rated on ratemyprofessors seemed to have some nightmare reviews.

3) Do you feel there is a lot of busy work in the courses?

4) If you took a DSST/UExcel exam in Organizational Behavior how did that compare to ENMU's?

Sorry I have been on vacation to Nigeria and also had slowed down on my assignments. I'll try to answer each question below:

1) I feel the classes are a little bit challenging, but doable. I find the assignment easier when I study the required chapters before attempting any written work or test. Honestly, when one is prepared, one finds the classes less difficult.

2) I am not worried about the difficulty of future classes. The two classes I am taking this term have helped melt my fears. I am not the type who worries about professors. I get my syllabus, study the required chapters, do my assignments, turn them in, check my grades, and move on to the next assignment. Dr Xavier and Vladimir are two professors who have been very nice to every student. Once I missed a test (because I travelled to Nigeria for 2 weeks and had less access to internet) I wrote to one of the professors who gave me the grace to take the test even though I was a week behind schedule.

3) I don't feel there is a lot of busy work in the course. Today, I had to submit 2 chapter reviews. In Organizational Behaviour, we are assigned two chapters every other week to read and summarize in about 300 to 500 words each, giving our opinions about the work. I waited until today (deadline) to turn in the works as I have been busy at work recently, but that doesn't make it a lot of busy work. I feel the professors were being fair in the amount of work and the time frame we are given to turn in our assignments. We use a week to read the required chapters and we are given the next week to turn in our work. 2 weeks for two assignments is fair enough I'll say.

4) I didn't take UeXcel/DSST. I took Straighterline Organizational Behavior. While SL Organizational Behavior didn't require much writing like we have at ENMU's, I still prefer ENMU's written assignments over SL's MCQa as I tend to perform better at essay writing than multiple choice exams.

Quote:How is Managerial Research Analysis (BUS 518) going so far? Is the course hard and is the instructor (Wlamir Xavier )/course expectations any good?

BUS518 is going well. I don't think the course is difficult. Maybe because I have the recommended textbook and I read ahead of the class, I find the chapter exams and written assignments fair enough. We read two chapters every week and take a test of about 40 MCQs the next week. There are few papers to write as well. Wlamir Xavier has been very nice to me. I missed an assignment once and he gave me the grace to take the test and submit the paper missed.
- Akintayo

AA General Studies, 2014. Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

BSBA General Management, 2014 - Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

Bachelor of Religious Studies, 2015 - NationsUniversity
Bachelor of Arts in Management - Leadership, 2016 - Patten University

Arnold Fletcher Award, 2014. Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

Graduate School
Master of Science in Management, MSc - The University of Economics in Bratislava - full time studies

ENMU MBA: 2 classes completed - discontinued as am now to attend a local university in Slovakia

65 Semester Hours from Obafemi Awolowo University
45 Credits from Straighterline
24 Credits from TECEP
13 Credits from Penn Foster College
12 Credits fro ALEKS
4 Credits from TEEX
I have just completed the two classes (BUS 518 - Managerial Research Analysis & MGT 513 - Organization Behavior/MGT Thry) I enrolled in at Eastern New Mexico University. Final grades were posted in today and I scored a B in Organizational Behavior /Management Theory and a C in Managerial Research Analysis. The classes and assignments were challenging but absolutely doable. I would have got A's in both classes, but I was madly busy with my new job and failed to turn in a couple of assignments. The ones I turned in were submitted late and of course, I didn't get full grades for them. Truth be told, both professors were nice and couldn't be more lenient to me. The reason I performed woefully in those classes were not unconnected to my inability to turn in assignments in time or at all. I will re-take the Managerial Research Analysis class so I can get the C off my transcript.

My advice to those who may be interested in ENMU or those classes is that they should try to participate in all class discussions and of course turn in assignments as at when due.
- Akintayo

AA General Studies, 2014. Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

BSBA General Management, 2014 - Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

Bachelor of Religious Studies, 2015 - NationsUniversity
Bachelor of Arts in Management - Leadership, 2016 - Patten University

Arnold Fletcher Award, 2014. Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

Graduate School
Master of Science in Management, MSc - The University of Economics in Bratislava - full time studies

ENMU MBA: 2 classes completed - discontinued as am now to attend a local university in Slovakia

65 Semester Hours from Obafemi Awolowo University
45 Credits from Straighterline
24 Credits from TECEP
13 Credits from Penn Foster College
12 Credits fro ALEKS
4 Credits from TEEX
Saharapost, As always, thank you for the update. It's good to hear how folks are getting on with their masters programs. I'm thinking of going after an MPA, and I don't know if I'll try for this September, or take a longer time and accomplish some things that might make me a more attractive candidate. It's good to hear that the work for this program isn't so difficult in and of itself.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
Hi Sahapost, How's the MBA going at ENMU? Did you retake BUS 518? Can you pls give us an overall update? I'm looking into this school as well. Thx!
I am enrolled in the MBA programme and currently finishing up this class. I will provide feedback once done. I need to average 82.5 to finish with an A.

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