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Roadmap for New Excelsior College Students
An Update to my degree plan:
I can't take Business Communications for WER, I will replace with SL Eng II,
I only need SL Acct I & II, not Managerial Acct.,
TECEP Operations Management (OMPM 301) counts as upper level credit for Production/Operations Management
and the business capstone is also an UPPER level credit that can be included in the 21 U level total. Yay!!
Goal: 0-120 credits in less than 1 year.....began July 2012
Credits to date: 121
Bachelor of Science - Business

Human Growth & Development :: 54, Psychology :: 66, Analyzing & Interpreting Lit :: 50
Sociology :: 58, Biology :: 64, Principles of Mgmt :: 60, Principles of Marketing :: 65
Intro to Business Law :: 61, Macro 49::, Micro 55
Principles of Supervision: 422, Personal Finance: 455, Intro to Business:: 439, World Religion:: 464,
Here's to your Health:: 449, Substance Abuse:: 446, Intro to Computers:: 454, Technical Writing:: 59,
Mgmt Info Systems:: 454, Intro to Law Enforcement:: 60, Criminal Justice:: 443
Business Ethics and Society:: 422, Fundamentals of Counseling:: 60, Environment & Humanity:: 64
Anthropology:: 55, Astronomy:: 53,
SL: Algebra, Eng I & II, Acct I, Acct II, Stats
ECE: Labor Relations:: A, HR Mgmt:: B, Org Behavior:: B, Capstone 495BUS:: A
Penn Foster: Financial Mgmt:: B, Employee Benefits:: B
Info Lit.
Uh oh... I think I've been slacking! I began July 3rd , 2012 with the same goal and I'm sitting on 81 credits through exam. This should be a big testing month for me. I hope to push through another 5 DSSTs in March. How much did you pay for the ECEs?
looking for help with a degree plan here are the credits i already have, looking to clep take other exams as much as possible.
crjs 101 intro to L/E- 3 Credits
crjs 180 Criminal law I- 3 Credits
crjs 181 Criminal law II- 3 Credits
crjs 205 Criminal justice and the community- 3 credits
psyc 100 General Psych- 3 Credits
crjs 250 Criminology - 3 Credits
socl 100 Sociology - 3 Credits
crjs 150 principle of Criminal investigations- 3 Credits
engl 101 English comp I- 3 credits
hist 100 western civ & the world- 3 Credits
crjs 255 Intro to juvenile delinquency- 3 credits
crjs 265 Correctional services- 3 credits
padm 100 Intro to public Administration - 3 Credits
crjs 260 Criminal justice admin- 3 credits
math 120 Real world math- 3 Credits
socl 200 Social Psychology - 3 Credits
crjs 120 ethics and criminal justice - 3 Credits
DSST intro to computing- 3 Credits
CLEP analyzing and interpreting lit- 6 Credits

here is what ive came up with so far-
Excelsior Capstone Requirement (3 Upper Level)
**Take Excelsior Capstone**

Written English Requirements (6 Credits)
3 Credits Completed-ENGL 101 English Composition 1

Humanities (9 Credits)
6 Credits Completed -CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
**3 Credits Take DSST Principles of Supervision**

Social Science/History (9 Credits)
3 Credits Completed –SOCL 100 Sociology
3 Credits Completed – HIST 100 Western Civilization & The World
3 Credits Completed – SOCL 120 Social Psychology
3 Credits Completed – PSYCH 100 General Psychology

Natural Sciences/Mathematics (9 Credits)
3 Credits Completed- MATH 120 Real World Math
**3 Upper Level Take DSST Here’s to Your Health**

Additional Arts & Sciences Elective (24 Credits) (21 Upper Level)
3 Credits Completed – Dsst Introduction to Computing
3 Credits Completed-
Applied Professional Credit or Additional Art and Science (59 Credits) (9 Upper Level)

**Take 1 Credit Excelsior Information Literacy Requirement**
3 Credits Completed -crjs 101 intro to Law enforcement
3 Credits Completed -crjs 180 Criminal law I
3 Credits Completed crjs 250 Criminology
3 Credits Completed -crjs 181 Criminal law II
3 Credits Completed -crjs 205 Criminal justice and the community
3 Credits Completed crjs 150 principle of Criminal investigations
3 Credits Completed crjs 255 Introduction to juvenile delinquency
3 Credits Completed crjs 265 Correctional services
3 Credits Completed crjs 120 ethics and criminal justice
3 Credits Completed padm 100 Introduction to public Administration
**3 Upper Level Take DSST rise & Fall of the Soviet Union**
**3 Upper Level Take DSST Substance Abuse**
Does TESC allow you to test out of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining?
NewJersey Wrote:Does TESC allow you to test out of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining?

Check with TESC if the ECE Labor Relations (Excelsior College | Labor Relations) will be a suitable exam equivalent for this course.
Just a note to Excelsior students - the Uexcel College Writing is really doable. I took it cold and got an A. However, you can buy a 30 day subscription to their practice software so that it isn't so stressful. The software basically does all that the test does - one giant practice test.

MS - Management and Leadership, WGU 2022
BS - Liberal Arts - Depths in Healthcare and Psychology, Excelsior College 2014
Certificate - Workers Comp Admin, UC Davis Extension, 1995
AA - Licensed Vocational Nursing and Selected Studies, Mesa College 1989
Certificate - Licensed Vocational Nursing (LVN), Mesa College 1977

Also, someday maybe a MS in Forensic Psychology, just for fun.   Oh, and a BS in Animal Behavior.  And, maybe when I'm 85 a PhD in something fun.

Wow!! Congrats, I'm really considering starting at Excelsior and this is definitely a push. How long did it take you to complete all of your CLEP, DSST, ECE, and TECEP courses?
is there a degree plan listed here that caters to the humanities/communications degree at excelsior? I'm scrolling through to find on my own but if not, I'd like suggestions :-D
follow @smartiepantshou on twitter, facebook, instagram and youtube! :o
I am just starting out doing what it seems so many of you have already done. I came across DIYdegree and following up on that brought me to this forum. I plan on enrolling in excelsior because from what I've gleaned, it is more user-friendly and more inexpensive then the other 2 colleges.
I like the "roadmap" that's posted, but it's from several years ago. I have an AA degree that I earned the traditional way, so what I need to know is....what next. What classes, in what order, and which tests. I've read that I can't completely test out of the degree, so which ones do I need to take online?
If someone can answer these questions, or if there's another thread or post that you can direct me to, I'd appreciate it!
mons Wrote:I am just starting out doing what it seems so many of you have already done. I came across DIYdegree and following up on that brought me to this forum. I plan on enrolling in excelsior because from what I've gleaned, it is more user-friendly and more inexpensive then the other 2 colleges.
I like the "roadmap" that's posted, but it's from several years ago. I have an AA degree that I earned the traditional way, so what I need to know is....what next. What classes, in what order, and which tests. I've read that I can't completely test out of the degree, so which ones do I need to take online?
If someone can answer these questions, or if there's another thread or post that you can direct me to, I'd appreciate it!

Hi! At this beginning point in your journey I'd post all your prior credits + your specific degree plans over on the General Ed. section of the Forum. Folks there are EXTREMELY knowledgeable and helpful - they can answer many of your questions.

I wouldn't lock yourself into a specific school choice just yet. There's always the possibility a different school will end up being a better fit with regards to your needs/previous credits...At the present time, most students here are enrolled at TESC.

That being said, I'm an Excelsior student. I received my AA from Excelsior (then USNY Regents) 25 years ago, and am now in the final stages of completing my BSLA. Why did I choose EC? As a prior EC grad I received many perks - waved registration fees, and more importantly to me, EC's acceptance of my entire AA degree credits lock, stock, and barrel...including Elementary Algebra, and ancient typing and computer courses no other school would ever apply toward a BS degree. Considering this, EC was the easiest path for me...

Hope this info is of some help! Smile
"I dwell in Possibility."  Emily Dickinson
2011-12  CLEP
 Int Psych - 75 / H G & D - 69 / Ed Psych - 72 / Am Lit - 80  / A & I Lit - 75 / Eng Lit - 73 2012-13  SL  Eng Comp I - 95.3% P /
Eng Comp II - 97.5% P 2014  EC/UEXCEL  Ab Psych - A / Soc Psych - A / Psych A & A - A  / Gerontology - A / Info Lit - P 2015 BYU Sport Psych - A / DSST Sub Abuse - 470 / Int World Rel - 481 / H T Y H - 465 / Tor College HIS 301 - 81% P 2016 EC LA498 Capstone - A
1991 AA Liberal Arts USNY Regents College
2016 BSLA Magna Cum Laude Excelsior College  - A 5 year journey COMPLETED!

2017-2019 Certs. - Am Lit/Brit Lit/Shakespeare/Poetry Review Shmoop - Shakespeare's Plays/Shakespeare in Context/Women's Lit

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