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completely testing out at TESC, what is the least expensive way to graduate
This discussion started in another thread. To prevent thread hijacking, here is a new post.

The question is what is the least expensive way to graduate from TESC when the student has 117 transfer and test credits. The only course needed at TESC is the LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone. By taking a single (or more? how many?) TECEP and completing the capstone within 6 months, could the pay per credit plan be done instead of the enrolled options plan? If this is so, what if the student starts late and takes longer than 6 months? Take another TECEP and pay $75? What if the TECEP is attempted but not passed?

Now for a different question regarding a student admitted for liberal studies but wants to change majors. Suppose the student passes a history TECEP which would then make the student eligible for a B.A. in history instead of liberal studies. Could the major be changed prior to the completion of the capstone course?

The application to TESC was submitted yesterday. Advice is urgently needed. Transcripts have been ordered. The next capstone starts in 5 weeks. How quickly does TESC process new students?
63 CLEP Sociology
75 CLEP U.S. History II
63 CLEP College Algebra
70 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
68 DSST Technical Writing
72 CLEP U.S. History I
77 CLEP College Mathematics
470 DSST Statistics
53 CLEP College Composition
73 CLEP Biology
54 CLEP Chemistry
77 CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications
clep3705 Wrote:The only course needed at TESC is the LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone. By taking a single TECEP and completing the capstone within 6 months, could the pay per credit plan be done instead of the enrolled options plan? If this is so, what if the student starts late and takes longer than 6 months? Take another TECEP and pay $75? What if the TECEP is attempted but not passed?

The per credit plan requires 24 residency credits for a Bachelors. The TECEP and capstone would only be 6 credtis.

I think there is some confusion about this 6 months term. When you apply, your application is good for 6 months. if you do not enroll within 6 months, you must reapply. Once you are enrolled, you have 1 year to complete something (course, TECEP) to maintain enrollment. I'm not sure what happens if you do not complete the enrollment requirement, but I'm saving a TECEP for last just incase something happens.



Current Degree Plan
Complete:  TECEP Eng Comp I, Marriage and Family, Strategic Management, Networking, Computer Concepts, Liberal Math, Tech Writing, Managerial Accounting DSST MIS, Cybersecurity Macroeconomics
Remaining:  Waiting for credits to process

Will answer this because that is the exact scenario that Im confronted with.

Out of state student (Live in NYC), was told that there was an enrollment fee (They called it something else) of approximately 3300 and then the capstone itself was going to cost approximately 750. Then theres a graduation fee and some administrative fees. Total was about 4200.
It is my expectation for the degree completion to cost about $4,000. But after reading this, I wonder.

iwant2stalku Wrote:-Plan so you only have to pay one application fee and no tuition. I paid $75 for my application. This includes an academic review. From that date, you get 6 months to complete your degree or you have to pay tuition (out of state for me was like $3000). However, if you are meeting the TECEP requirement (which I think is 3 TECEPS a semester) you can also avoid the tuition fee. Lots of posts about that on the forum already.

I may be misinterpreting, but it suggests to me that the degree could be obtained for much less. Does meeting the TECEP requirement mean taking them or passing them? What if a TECEP is taken that duplicates a CLEP? To the person who wonders why would anyone do this, if taking (passing?) 3 TECEPs saves a lot of money, doing so makes sense even if no net additional credit is obtained.

If the degree can be completed for much less than the enrolled options cost, there is absolutely no incentive for a TESC staff person to make it clear how to do so.
63 CLEP Sociology
75 CLEP U.S. History II
63 CLEP College Algebra
70 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
68 DSST Technical Writing
72 CLEP U.S. History I
77 CLEP College Mathematics
470 DSST Statistics
53 CLEP College Composition
73 CLEP Biology
54 CLEP Chemistry
77 CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications
It's exactly how I described it in the other thread. ajs1976 explained the application process. The 6 months you have to enroll is not a term. It's just a time period before they'll throw away your application and all of your transcripts. You would just apply again if you don't enroll in time.

Per Credit Tuition Plan: You sign up for a course, e-Pack, or TECEP in one of the 3-month terms. On the 10th day of that term, you are considered enrolled. You have 12 months from that date of enrollment to take another course, e-Pack, or TECEP to stay enrolled. TESC will not let you graduate under this tuition plan unless you have taken 24 credits in residence for a bachelor's degree. The residency requirement for associates degrees is 12 credits. Online and guided study courses, TECEPs, and e-Packs count toward the residency requirement.

Enrolled Options Plan: You pay the over $3,200 enrollment fee, and it's good for a year. If you're about to graduate, there is a fee of a couple of few hundred dollars to extend the enrollment for a little while; otherwise, you pay the whole enrollment fee again to stay enrolled another year. There is no residency requirement for this degree, but all BA students have to take the capstone at TESC.

I don't mean to offend the OP of that other thread, but just completely disregard what was said there. It will only cause confusion.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc
clep3705 Wrote:It is my expectation for the degree completion to cost about $4,000. But after reading this, I wonder.

I may be misinterpreting, but it suggests to me that the degree could be obtained for much less. Does meeting the TECEP requirement mean taking them or passing them? What if a TECEP is taken that duplicates a CLEP? To the person who wonders why would anyone do this, if taking (passing?) 3 TECEPs saves a lot of money, doing so makes sense even if no net additional credit is obtained.

If the degree can be completed for much less than the enrolled options cost, there is absolutely no incentive for a TESC staff person to make it clear how to do so.

No offense to that person, but that information is wrong. Just completely disregard it. There is no requirement to take three TECEPs per term, and the 6-month time constraint to enroll is not a big deal. If you don't enroll, you just apply again. I'm enrolled under the Per Credit Tuition Plan now and completed my first degree under the Enrolled Options Plan. The Per Credit Tuition Plan will be cheaper, but it will require a lot of unnecessary work if you already have your whole degree completed besides the capstone. You have to pass a TECEP or course for it to count toward the residency requirement. You need the actual 24 credits to graduate under Per Credit Tuition Plan. Failing a TECEP or course will result in no credits awarded. The estimated costs I posted in the other thread are accurate.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc
Thank you, sanantone. I was confident you could clear things up.
63 CLEP Sociology
75 CLEP U.S. History II
63 CLEP College Algebra
70 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
68 DSST Technical Writing
72 CLEP U.S. History I
77 CLEP College Mathematics
470 DSST Statistics
53 CLEP College Composition
73 CLEP Biology
54 CLEP Chemistry
77 CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications
sanantone Wrote:I don't mean to offend the OP of that other thread, but just completely disregard what was said there. It will only cause confusion.

Not offended. Let me clairfy where I got this from and then I will hop over to the other thread and edit for clarification.

When I first started researching, I called TESC and was told that I would pay $75 when I applied to have my evaluation done. From then, I had 6 months to "enroll" and take my classes that was going to be $3000. The advisers weren't very forthcoming with the other options, even telling me that I SHOULD take their strategic management capstone class because it was a "valuable" learning experience. And when I discussed the residency requirement, the conversation shifted to more TESC courses, not taking 8 TECEPS to save money.

I found a post where someone else on the forum had mentioned taking a minimum # of TECEPS in x amount of time to avoid having to pay the $3000 tuition. That person had also said that the advisers did not always give up that information because they'd rather you take a bunch of TESC courses. That was what prompted me to dig a little deeper and add TECEPS to my plan. It is not a one size fits all solution. I only had 18 credits going in. I did not transfer nearly as many credits as you and my capstone class was available as a TECEP exam. I paid $75 for my application, $888 in TECEP exams, and $300 to graduate with my associate and bachelor's degrees=$1263. I had to pay to send them my ACE, Saylor, CLEP, and DSST transcripts. Straighterline sent the transcript for free. I applied just before Christmas, so my evaluation took a little longer to come back than usual because they were closed for the holiday and new years. I think it was about 20 business days.
Patten MBA Finance

TESC ASBA, BSBA General Management, Arnold Fletcher Award
10/31/14=24 credits
11/30/14=47 credits
12/31/14=12 credits
01/31/15= 15 credits
02/13/15= DONE!!!
ALEKS: Intro Statistics, Int. Algebra, College Algebra, PreCalc
CLEP: A&I Lit, College Comp, Marketing, Management, Macroeconomics
DSST: Supervision
STRAIGHTERLINE: Intro to Business, Accounting 1 & 2, Ethics & Business Professional, Organizational Management, Managerial Accounting, Financial Accounting, Environmental Science, Microeconomics, Anthropology, Business Law, Religion
TECEP: Strategic Management, Advertising, Marketing Communications, Business in Society, Public Relations,Psychology of Women, Technical Writing, CIS

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