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cheap associates program options
Good evening Im looking for some advice in regards to going to school while active duty, I have to enroll and obtain an associates degree in order to meet a requirement at my next command I was originally looking to use Sophia learning to satisfy my general education credits and use my 19 Ace credits from military service and graduate with a BOG associates degree from pierpont community college online. Unfortunately today I found out on October 4th 2024 pierpont will be requiring 12 credits to be completed with the school brining the cost way out of my budget ( I don't plan to use TA or my GI bill for this) do any of you know of any other colleges which allow us to transfer our military credits and take Sophia learning credits all while not breaking the bank? 

info about me if it helps 
currently stationed In Norfolk Virginia 
active duty navy
Liberty University is a good start, they offer a good military discount of $250 per credit and accept Sophia credits if I'm not mistaken. They accept up to 45 transfer credits. You could look also into UMPI as it would be cheaper and they accept Sophia and might accept your military training towards an associate's degree or bachelor's degree. Other options include Excelsior University, Charter Oak State College, and Thomas Edison State University.

Also note some really cheap community colleges include Luna Community College - $44 per credit, Dine College which charges $55 per credit, New Mexico Junior College - $89 per credit.
Degrees In Progress:
EVMS Doctor of Health Science
Completed Degrees:
Doctor of Healthcare Administration Dec 2021 
Masters of Business Administration July 2022
Masters of Public Administration '19
Masters of Arts in Urban Affairs '17
Masters of Arts in Criminal Justice '16
Bachelors of Science in Police Studies '14
Advanced Graduate Certificate in Criminal Investigations '15
(08-26-2024, 06:28 PM)jayred26 Wrote: Good evening Im looking for some advice in regards to going to school while active duty, I have to enroll and obtain an associates degree in order to meet a requirement at my next command I was originally looking to use Sophia learning to satisfy my general education credits and use my 19 Ace credits from military service and graduate with a BOG associates degree from pierpont community college online. Unfortunately today I found out on October 4th 2024 pierpont will be requiring 12 credits to be completed with the school brining the cost way out of my budget ( I don't plan to use TA or my GI bill for this) do any of you know of any other colleges which allow us to transfer our military credits and take Sophia learning credits all while not breaking the bank? 

info about me if it helps 
currently stationed In Norfolk Virginia 
active duty navy
I recommend you utilize your local Navy Campus Office. You have professionals very nearby whose purpose is to help you achieve  your educational goals. -Ask the Chief! Big Grin
Chief Petty Officer
United States Navy (Retired)
In addition to consulting your command's education resources office, have you considered the offerings of the US Naval Community college? It was established specifically for this purpose.
WGU BSIT Complete January 2022
(77CU transferred in)(44/44CU ) 

RA(non WGU)(57cr)
JST/TESU Eval of NAVY Training(85/99cr)
The Institutes, TEEX, NFA(9cr): Ethics, Cyber 101/201/301, Safety
Sophia(60cr): 23 classes Eng105, Fin102, His108, LibSci101, Math104, Stat101, CS107, CS303, BUS107
CLEP(9cr): Intro Sociology 63 Intro Psych 61 US GOV 71
OD(12cr): Robotics, Cyber, Programming, Microecon
Various IT/Cybersecurity Certifications from: CompTIA, Google, Microsoft, AWS, GIAC, LPI, IBM
CS Fund. MicroBachelor(3cr)

THANK YOU! Just wow! I never knew this project got off the ground. Most assuredly , the Navy took some inspiration from the Air Force.

I feel old. It was only twenty years ago that I retired from the Navy.

"U.S. Naval Community College (USNCC) was formally founded on February 5, 2019, when the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), announced his intention (via a directive memorandum) to establish the USNCC as part of the broader Naval Education Enterprise and Naval University System. The SECNAV’s directive stemmed from a broader set of recommendations featured in the 2018 Education for Seapower Study. A critical finding from this study highlighted how the character of warfare is changing rapidly, and the intellectual and cognitive development of naval leaders at all ranks is essential to preparedness for modern naval operations. An additional finding from this study highlighted how the largest portion of the naval workforce – enlisted Service Members – did not have education opportunities that are aligned to the needs of the Naval Services. Therefore, as a call to action, USNCC was established in May 2020 as a pilot program to offer world-class, naval-relevant education to enlisted Service Members..."
Chief Petty Officer
United States Navy (Retired)

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