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anyone know of a program for Environmental Studies
I am wondering if anyone here knows of any info. for programs for cerification or BS for Environmental Studies or Environmental Management?

I looked on 2 of the big 3, but did not really see anything there. Although I may not know exactly what I am looking for.

An example would be like the ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Training or something equivalent.

It would be awesome to find a program, because I really think that the FEMA credits would do wonders towards that.

BTW, this was a question posed to me by someone else. So I thought I would post here to see if anyone knew anything.
TESC, BSAST in Environmental Sciences: Thomas Edison State College | BSAST in Environmental Sciences
TESC, BA Psychology (Done, Graduation June 2009)
TESC, BSBA/Gen Mgmt. (In Progress)

CLEP: Freshman Col Comp 77| Info Systems & Apps 74| Intro to Psych 79| A. & I. Literature 79| Principles of Marketing 76| Human Growth & Dev. 74| Intro to Ed. Psych 74| Biology 74| Sociology 77| Natural Sciences 69| English Comp w/ Essay 59| Macroeconomics 70| Microeconomics 69
DSST: Mgmt. Info Systems 466| Environment & Humanity 71| Organizational Behavior 73| Astronomy 72| Technical Writing 65| General Anthropology 73| Human/Cultural Geography 70| Physical Geology 58| Fundamentals of Counseling 74| Ethics in America 467
ALEKS: Business Statistics| Intro to Statistics| Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
TECEP: Behavior Mod. Techniques| Psych of Personality| Experimental Psych| Social Psych| Psych of Women | Abnormal Psych
12 Asstd. FEMAs

Current/Up Next:
DSSTs Substance Abuse, Prin. of Supervision & Human Res. Mgmt.
ALEKS PreCalculus
brain122 Wrote:I am wondering if anyone here knows of any info. for programs for cerification or BS for Environmental Studies or Environmental Management?

I looked on 2 of the big 3, but did not really see anything there. Although I may not know exactly what I am looking for.

An example would be like the ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Training or something equivalent.

It would be awesome to find a program, because I really think that the FEMA credits would do wonders towards that.

BTW, this was a question posed to me by someone else. So I thought I would post here to see if anyone knew anything.
TESC also has a BA in Environmental Studies. Excelsior has a Focus in Environmental Studies, I have a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies with focuses in Environmental Studies and Management from them which I just completed. APUS (American Public University System also has a BS in Environmental Studies. They have quite a few good courses from varied areas.
Oregon State University has an environmental program through distance education.

All Degrees & Programs -- Online & Distance Degrees -- Oregon State University -- Extended Campus -- Ecampus
1MP4Life Wrote:Oregon State University has an environmental program through distance education.

All Degrees & Programs -- Online & Distance Degrees -- Oregon State University -- Extended Campus -- Ecampus
A very good one, make sure you purchase a butt protector, it's going to get sore.
brain122 Wrote:I am wondering if anyone here knows of any info. for programs for cerification or BS for Environmental Studies or Environmental Management?

I looked on 2 of the big 3, but did not really see anything there. Although I may not know exactly what I am looking for.

An example would be like the ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Training or something equivalent.

It would be awesome to find a program, because I really think that the FEMA credits would do wonders towards that.

BTW, this was a question posed to me by someone else. So I thought I would post here to see if anyone knew anything.

When you get through with your bachelor's, Harvard University's Extension has an enviromental masters program plus a few certificates!
Harvard home
cookderosa Wrote:>>

When you get through with your bachelor's, Harvard University's Extension has an enviromental masters program plus a few certificates!
Harvard home
My god Jim, for goodness sakes, she's at warp speed now, she's givin it all she's got. You'll implode us.
Gary Wrote:My god Jim, for goodness sakes, she's at warp speed now, she's givin it all she's got. You'll implode us.

hilarious Thanks, I needed that!
cookderosa Wrote:>>

hilarious Thanks, I needed that!
Much welcome:}

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