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Wondering if anyone has BA recommendations
Hey, I just recently learned abount the whole accelerated degree scenario when a friend told me about Thomas Eddison. Not too long ago I attended what I would describe as an emergency response training and service organization in Big Sandy, TX called the International ALERT Academy. While there I earned quite a number of certifications in many fields of emergency service. After learning about TESC I'm hoping that these may actually be of some use in getting a BA, i just don't know what they would be most suited for if anything.

Part of the problem lies in the fact that, as far as I know, there is no direct link for me to transfer credit. In other words ALERT itself isn't accredited. That being said, I did receive numerous certificates from a Kilgore College nearby that's affiliated with ALERT for each of the classes i completed, so I'm hoping those will give me an indirect route to credit at TESC (most likely).

Back to my question, I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who's rather familiar with TESC and could give me a recommendation as to which BA my certs may apply to. Educators nearby that I've talked to have told me it sounds like a BA of Science for sure, but none of them are terribly familiar with TESC. Below is a list of my main certifications:

NASE Open Water and Advanced Open Water SCUBA Diver, NAPD (National Academy of Police Diving) Special Response Diver

IFSAC Fire Seals for Firefighter I and II as well as Hazmat Awareness and

EMT Basic course

That's it for certfications for which I know an accredited equivalent, so for the rest I will simply list the cert title and a short explanation if neccessary.

Basic Swift Water Rescue (river and flooding rescue) - Technician Level

Advanced High Angle (cliff and rope system rescue) - Technician Level

Confined Space Rescue - Technician Level

Trench Rescue - Operations Level

Basic Sawyer (chainsawing)

Outdoor Survival

Basic Search and Rescue

Basic Counseling

I've also taken several leadership classes, most notably an 8 week course each of these past three summers comprised of 4 week of classroom, then 4 weeks of practical implementation - basically being responsible for 30 14-20ish year olds as they complete a rigorous and stretching summer program.

Technical Diploma in carpentry from Waukesha County Tech College

These are the majority of my certifications. Please excuse my ignorance of terminology and basic concepts in the accelerated degree scene, and thank you in advance for any recommendations, ideas, helpful pointers etc, they are GREATLY appreciated.
I am not familiar with any of your certifications, but I would think if you can get Kilgore college to send a transcript you should get credits if they are accredited.

As to what degree plan you might want to look into some thing like
• Associate in Science in Public and Social Services
• Bachelor of Science in Human Services

• Graduate Certificate
• Bachelor of Science

you might be able to round things out with some FEMA free courses.
If I were you I would say pay the $75 for an unofficial TESC evaluation it will give you a better idea.

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
Welcome 2 InstantCert CKL!:hurray:

First off...there are two things that you need to know. Number 1...ALWAYS listen to LINDAGERR!!! And Number 2...NEVER pay attention to ME!!!

No seriously...I totally concur with Linda and I would recommend that course of action to anyone in your shoes.

Well that's my three cents. Just wanted to welcome you and if you have more questions, utilize the "SEARCH FORUM" tab in the upper right hand corner.

The people here are great and there is a plethora of information on this forum.

Peace be with you.

From a loyal degree seeker.
Thomas Edison State University (TESU)
Enrolled in BA in Liberal Studies - 105/120 Completed

Associate in Science, Excelsior College
While you probably will not be able to receive credit for those courses, your experience in emergency disaster response could qualify you to be accepted into Thomas Edison State College's Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services degree path.

A combination of CLEP tests, DSST (like CLEP tests), TECEPS (Thomas Edison's version of a CLEP) and ECE (Excelsior College Examination), and FEMA classes ( Emergency Management Institute - FEMA Independent Study Program ) can get you set for your degree.

Attached you will find my degree plan. If you search for "emergency management" on this forum you will find a lot of information on this degree.

Good luck on whatever path you decide to follow for your degree! :hurray:

Attached Files
.xls   Less than 1 minute ago">Emergency Management.xls (Size: 37.5 KB / Downloads: 33)

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin

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