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Who do you want for President in 2016?
LaterBloomer Wrote:The other day I was on the bus talking to a fellow. He was probably in his mid-20s, and trying to cobble together enough part-time jobs to earn a living. We talked politics - Dem to Dem - and we both got to talking about the revolution to come. Don't know that anyone who can afford to run for president can hold him- or herself out there for the common (wo)man. The one per-centers had better watch out.

(Lord, wouldn't I love to have to worry about a coming revolution from the 1% side. Chance would be a fine thing!)

I say what they say in Brewsters Millions, vote for none of the above.

And I darn near wrote a book on your 1% and the what they should watch out for. Not attacking, but wishing you know the perspective of someone like me in the one 1%, and knowing I too am on here because I don't have tons of money to throw at expensive college per credit hours. Not everyone lives in glitz and glamor, as I pay about 38% in fed and state taxes, so my friends who fall in the so called 99% have almost as much net income as I do because of it. Not comparing my life to someone with multiple jobs, but there is a lot of mis-information out there. We as a nation need to reduce spending across the board, but my opinion is that SSN, Medicare, Medicade and other safety net programs account for 60% of the budget while the Military accounts for 20%, so it's easier to reduce the 60% than the 20%. Only other opinion is to flat tax everyone.

For the record, my was almost dead middle centrist, I drive a kia, because thats what I can afford, no one mows my lawn or cleans my house, and I donate exactly ZERO dollars to political campaigns.
DSST- General Anthropology - 52, Intro to Computer - 469, Technical Writing - 54, DSST Ethics in America - 59 (1996),
CLEP- Sociology -54, College Math - 550(1996), CLEP Principles of Management - 60 (1996)
Aleks Beg Alg,
sanantone Wrote:Yes, he took the time to stand up for Josh Duggar, a sexual predator, but didn't think it was worth his time as a presidential candidate to speak about the Confederate flag issue. This article talks about Huckabee's involvement in releasing a sex offender who went on to victimize more people.
Reality Check on Huckabee | National Review Online

I think he stood up for Josh because he thought he was truly sorry, and that it was his duty as a Christian to defend him. However, the flag of a country that has ceased to exist for more than a century, does not have anything to do with the Presidency of the United States of America. And if you really think that Josh is a "predator", then I pity you.
SirBeasley Wrote:I think he stood up for Josh because he thought he was truly sorry, and that it was his duty as a Christian to defend him. However, the flag of a country that has ceased to exist for more than a century, does not have anything to do with the Presidency of the United States of America. And if you really think that Josh is a "predator", then I pity you.

What does Josh have to do with him running for president? Race relations are something he would have to deal with as president, but, luckily, he has no chance of winning. Is it not his duty as a Christian to speak on issues regarding race relations? If the country is irrelevant, then why is South Carolina still flying a flag that was connected to it? Yes, Josh is a sexual predator. He's a sexual deviant who lacks impulse control, and his parents took over a year to do anything about it. They allowed their daughters to be victimized repeatedly and doing nothing led to him victimizing another little girl outside of the family. I pity anyone who would excuse this kind of behavior on part of Josh and his parents. Actually, I more than pity them; I am disgusted by them because they are enablers.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
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Hillary Clinton is the only man for the job
sanantone Wrote:What does Josh have to do with him running for president? Race relations are something he would have to deal with as president, but, luckily, he has no chance of winning. Is it not his duty as a Christian to speak on issues regarding race relations? If the country is irrelevant, then why is South Carolina still flying a flag that was connected to it? Yes, Josh is a sexual predator. He's a sexual deviant who lacks impulse control, and his parents took over a year to do anything about it. They allowed their daughters to be victimized repeatedly and doing nothing led to him victimizing another little girl outside of the family. I pity anyone who would excuse this kind of behavior on part of Josh and his parents. Actually, I more than pity them; I am disgusted by them because they are enablers.

It has nothing to do with the race for President, but it proves that Huckabee is a man who will stand up for what is right, no matter what others say. That is the kind of man we need in the oval office. What good is it to have a president that knows how to fix the nation's problems, but is not a Christian, with a strong set of morals? That's how you end up with people like Donald Trump. Today race relations are better than they have ever been. It only seems bad because of the coverage that random events like this, get from the media. Quite a lot of the friction is actually created by blacks, such as Jesse Jackson. South Carolina displays the flag, because it is part of our history. No amount of remedy today will erase the events of the past, but that is for the best, since they should be remembered, so that we do not make the same mistake again. Josh may have BEEN a predator, but that was 12 years ago, and he has since then been punished by his family, forgiven by his sisters and has proven that he is a Christian, and a law abiding citizen. How would you like it, if for the rest of your life you were remembered for the one stupid thing you did while you were a teenager? Regardless of what you are like today?
SirBeasley Wrote:It has nothing to do with the race for President, but it proves that Huckabee is a man who will stand up for what is right, no matter what others say. That is the kind of man we need in the oval office. What good is it to have a president that knows how to fix the nation's problems, but is not a Christian, with a strong set of morals? That's how you end up with people like Donald Trump. Today race relations are better than they have ever been. It only seems bad because of the coverage that random events like this, get from the media. Quite a lot of the friction is actually created by blacks, such as Jesse Jackson.

Basically, you're saying it's important for him to stand up for one person, but it's not important for him to stand up for millions of people who are affected by race relations? Race relations are better, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Jesse Jackson has had very little influence in the black community for a long time. I know because I am a black person. I can tell you that there are problems within the black community that can only be solved by the black community, but we don't create our own problems when it comes to race relations. I am a law-abiding citizen who has worked in the criminal justice field, and I have been racially-profiled by the police and private citizens. When I worked for a law enforcement agency, I got to witness first-hand the types of bogus calls police had to put up with from prejudiced citizens. Even the non-black officers complained about them.

Quote:South Carolina displays the flag, because it is part of our history. No amount of remedy today will erase the events of the past, but that is for the best, since they should be remembered, so that we do not make the same mistake again.

That's why we have history books and museums. Should South Carolina also fly the flag of Great Britain? t was under Great Britain's control much longer than it was under the CSA. The swastika is a part of Germany's history. Should they display that on government buildings?

Quote:Josh may have BEEN a predator, but that was 12 years ago, and he has since then been punished by his family, forgiven by his sisters and has proven that he is a Christian, and a law abiding citizen. How would you like it, if for the rest of your life you were remembered for the one stupid thing you did while you were a teenager? Regardless of what you are like today?

He didn't do it once; he did it more than once. You say "one stupid thing" like it's a simple mistake that most teenagers make. He sexually molested several girls multiple times. It's a crime and a serious one that can have lasting psychological effects on the victims. He hasn't proven that he's changed. Most sexual predators go undetected for years or forever.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc
Comment removed. I don't want to get involved.
CLEPS Passed: 10 DSST Passed: 11 TECEPS: 1

Don't waste time by trying to save time. The only sure way to complete your degree is to knock out credits quickly and efficiently.

Don't let easiness bite you in the rear. Know your endgame (where you want to be) and plan backward from there. Your education is a means to an end.

Be honest professionally, socially and academically. There are people (especially little ones) who look up to you and they're going by your example.

Be proud. Whether you're an Engineer or Fast Food worker, there is honor and dignity in hard work.

Picking on people weaker than you only proves that you are a weak person.
sanantone Wrote:Basically, you're saying it's important for him to stand up for one person, but it's not important for him to stand up for millions of people who are affected by race relations? Race relations are better, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Jesse Jackson has had very little influence in the black community for a long time. I know because I am a black person. I can tell you that there are problems within the black community that can only be solved by the black community, but we don't create our own problems when it comes to race relations. I am a law-abiding citizen who has worked in the criminal justice field, and I have been racially-profiled by the police and private citizens. When I worked for a law enforcement agency, I got to witness first-hand the types of bogus calls police had to put up with from prejudiced citizens. Even the non-black officers complained about them.

I agree that there is much work still to be done. I don't think that is is as big of a problem as the media makes it out to be though. I think that the vast majority of blacks and whites get along well with each other, and that is is only a small part of the population that the police have to deal with, and that get on the news. I was wondering if you have any ideas about how to fix the race problem? I don't have one right of the top of my head, I was just curious. By the way, thank you for your service as a law enforcement officer.

That's why we have history books and museums. Should South Carolina also fly the flag of Great Britain? t was under Great Britain's control much longer than it was under the CSA. The swastika is a part of Germany's history. Should they display that on government buildings?

The Union Jack is still the flag of a current country. Flying it would be unpatriotic or perhaps akin to treason. And if you ban the Confederate flag, then where do you stop? Do you ban everything that contains an image of the flag? Books? Movies? Websites? I think the swastika is more of a symbol of a political party and not of a country.

He didn't do it once; he did it more than once. You say "one stupid thing" like it's a simple mistake that most teenagers make. He sexually molested several girls multiple times. It's a crime and a serious one that can have lasting psychological effects on the victims. He hasn't proven that he's changed. Most sexual predators go undetected for years or forever.

How should he prove he has changed, if not in the way that he already has? He was forgiven by his parents, the girls he molested and by Jesus Christ. Whether or not you and I forgive him doesn't really matter.

I think we have discussed these subjects enough by now, and we are clearly not going to change each others minds, so I suggest we drop this discussion. You can have the last word though if you like.

Oops. That didn't post exactly like I expected it to. Oh well.
Michael Bickelmeyer - 2016 Republican Presidential Candidates
Bernie Sanders is gaining momentum, but I'm afraid he'll be too far to the left for the general election. His age is also an issue. He's even older than Clinton. The last I heard, there are 14 Republican presidential candidates. What's the largest field there's ever been? This is a crowded field.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc

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