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Okay, okay, I'm just sniveling, but I figured you all could pat me on the head and cheer me up maybe. Big Grin

Actually, I'm not un-cheered, I'm just TIRED. I am ALMOST DONE....finished my TESC course yesterday and have my very last DSST on Tuesday. I can't wait.

But meanwhile, I'm up to my ears studying for it. It's "Western Europe Since 1945," which is kind of a lot to keep track of. And there's no IC for it, sniff! Sad Between now and Tuesday morning I still need to read about 300 pages from "Postwar" (teeny tiny print), making my own flashcards all the while, review my flashcards over and over (I've got about 75 so far) and do a bunch of wikipedia reading on stuff I'm fuzzy on.

I'm tired. My brain doesn't want to think. I'm a little stressed, as this test is the last one I need for my major. Not even chocolate helps. My eyes are tired and burning and one of them is literally twitching.

I'm ready for this to be OVER.

So hey, tell me to take an eye break or something. Big Grin
:eek: If chocolate is not fixing the problem then it sure sounds like time for a break - go for a walk - listen to some music - meditate!

And after you've done that check out this resource to see if someone has already made some of the flashcards you are looking for:

history Flashcards

Course....if it was me..I'd go get a glass of wine and sit on the porch with Vivaldi's Four Seasons blaring (it's educational for the neighbors!) and close my eyes!

CLEPS/DANTES ATTEMPTED/PASSED Big Grin -21 Classes credited:
[SIZE=1][SIZE=1]- Human/Cultural Geography (SOC300) 69/Nov 08

[/SIZE]- Intro to Business Law (LEG100) 73/Nov 08
- Astronomy (HUM300) 68/Nov 08
- Human Resource Management (BUS310) 73/Jul 08
- Money and Banking (ECO320) 64/Jun 08
- Principles of Finance (FIN100) 67/May 08
- Principles of Macroeconomics (ECO100) 75/Apr 08
- Principles of Marketing 74/Apr 08
- Introduction to World Religions (HUM400) 78/Apr 08
- Analyzing & Interpreting Lit 69/Mar 08 (6 credits)
- Introductory Psychology 74/Feb 08
- Introductory Sociology 73/Jan 08
- Principles of Mgmt 75/Dec 05
- English Comp (cold) 59/Sep 05 (6 credits)
- Information Systems & Computer Apps 72/Sep 05
- College French Language 75/Jun 05 (12 credits)

+Traditional Credits Earned 2005-2008: 17 classes - last 3 traditional classes completed Oct/08
ALL DONE NOV 08. Degree received: BS in Business Administration, minor in Management, SCL. Saved $$$$$ and Time - Thanks to InstantCert.[/SIZE]
Ok- here's my kick in the butt for you. If you DON'T pass, you'll have to start all over with something else :eek: Hey, sometimes pressure worksWink
cookderosa Wrote:Ok- here's my kick in the butt for you. If you DON'T pass, you'll have to start all over with something else :eek: Hey, sometimes pressure worksWink

Yeah, I know. That's what's scaring me. Big Grin If I flunk this, it means taking a 3-month TESC course instead..........OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hence the grind. Big Grin

knucyt, thanks for the link, I'll check it out!
Like i said earlier. If you look at 300 pages of teeny, tiny print of course your brain is saying NO WAY. If you just tell yourself 1 more chapter then I can have a piece of chocolate and listen to music for 15 min. you are making it attainable.

Of course I can talk now. I just spent 2 glorious hours working in the gardenRolleyes

Looking at your signature I am sure you will get this done and pass with ease. Youare a well motivated and highly intelligent individual. (OK that was your pat on the head)

Now get your butt back to workWink we all want to see you post a loud yahoo on Tuesday

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
I know what you mean. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, even though it means scarificing time outdoors and sleep. I'm pretty sure you don't really want to take another course. Keep on going, you're almost there. Once you're finished, we can go to TJ! Party!
[COLOR="DimGray"]Intro to World Religions 68
Social Science and History 60
Principles of Statistics 60
Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
Astronomy 54
Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
College Composition 50[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
Electronic Instrumentation and Control - A
War and American Society - A
International Economics - A
Calculus II - B[/COLOR]

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