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What is your opinion on Straighterline
ALRS Wrote:Is the ebook the best option for this class? Wondering if anyone found it cheaper not ordering it with Straighterline? Hoping to complete Macro and Micro using Straighterline.

I was buying ebooks from For example, Microeconomics ebook is $82 at Straighterline and only $58 at coursesmart.

0077800249 | Microeconomics  2008 17ED | CourseSmart
Microeconomics Course Online for Credit | StraighterLine
cookderosa Wrote:It's also worth pointing out that even when a college/university is a partner school, that doesn't mean they accept EVERYTHING coming from SL. For example, there is a community college NOVA that is a partner school, but only in accounting. If you were hoping to use English or Math, you're out of luck. SL doesn't really transfer well as a general rule, and they are not super cheap... but if you're sure where you're going, you're sure your SL classes will transfer, you can find the book for free/cheap, you can work very quickly, and you're not taking grad school prereqs (ymmv)- then it's a good option. I'm not in love with them, but have used them, and probably will in the future.

When you say NOVA, are you talking of Northern Virginia Community College? If so, they accept many SL courses, maybe there was a change. (go to pg 27 for SL courses).
CLEPS Passed: 10 DSST Passed: 11 TECEPS: 1

Don't waste time by trying to save time. The only sure way to complete your degree is to knock out credits quickly and efficiently.

Don't let easiness bite you in the rear. Know your endgame (where you want to be) and plan backward from there. Your education is a means to an end.

Be honest professionally, socially and academically. There are people (especially little ones) who look up to you and they're going by your example.

Be proud. Whether you're an Engineer or Fast Food worker, there is honor and dignity in hard work.

Picking on people weaker than you only proves that you are a weak person.
Prloko Wrote:When you say NOVA, are you talking of Northern Virginia Community College? If so, they accept many SL courses, maybe there was a change. (go to pg 27 for SL courses).

That's good, looks like they are taking them! NOVA catalog trumps the SL website (which is outdated).
We took Business Communications through them, and really liked it. We used Lesikar's Business Communications textbook, and found that SUPER helpful. Straighterline's lessons are completely parallel with the book chapters - the book gives greater detail than the lessons.

Also, there are 3 required projects: Routine Inquiry, Resume and Cover Letter, and Short Report. We thought the grading was quite reasonable - which is important for submitting written assignments. They also graded and posted the results within only a couple business days, which was fantastic.

We were able to finish Business Communications in about 3wks, and it's a good price. Definitely recommend it!
~ scribbler
Sister/Brother Team Smile

GOAL: B.A.s in Communications from TESU
Progress: 120 hrs each!

US History I: 58/59 | A & I Lit: 67/63 | Intro Sociology: 58/56 | Intro Psych: 65/54 | Human Growth and Development: 58/54 | Intro to Edu. Psych: 65/52 | Macroeconomics: 55/50 | Microeconomics: 66/54 | US History II: 58/56 | Biology: 62/53 | Natural Sciences: 60/53 | College Comp: 57/57

Intro to Computing: 462/445 | Here's to Your Health: 414/405 | Technical Writing: 62/54 | Ethics in America: 433/437 | World Religions: 477/464 | Public Speaking: 67 + PASS/64 + PASS

Intro Com: 97%/89% | Bus. Com: 87%/82%

News Reporting: PASS/PASS | Public Relations: PASS/PASS
After just finishing up Business Ethics, I would have to say that straighterline is a fantastic tool for people like myself finishing up a long over due degree. I would not recommended it to a person who is in college for the first time and really need to learn the material in depth before starting a career. And quite frankly, the proctoring is far from great. But again, for those of us who wish to just get it done, it fits the bill.
B.A. Social Science, Thomas Edison State College
M.B.A. Strategic Management, Patten University (in progress)
103 credits from 4 different Colleges over 15 years.
Liberal Arts Capstone:
Thomas Edison State College
Technical Writing
History of the Vietnam War
Principles of Supervision
College Comp
Business Ethics
cameronbroadhurst Wrote:I have been researching Straighterline and I am about to start my first course through them. I would really like to know the complete opinions of people that have taken courses from Straighterline. Did anyone purchase textbooks? Do you advise using textbooks? What was your overall experience? What was the difficulty level?

I am in what would be my second semester of college and I have decided to try another route to my education rather than attending a school. Starting next week I will be working full time at my workplace, while attempting to complete 4 courses by the end of the college semester. I would really appreciate any feedback and also what others might advice me to do.

My goal is to take Business Communications, Micro Econ, and College Algebra this semester, along with a Marketing Clep.

I like Straighterline but not every course is the same, nor is every transfer experience. My advice is to proceed with a plan. Otherwise, something that seems inexpensive & quick can end up being a waste of time and money. Since Straighterline is not a college, you need to have a target school in mind. Second, you need to pay attention to the individual classes. Just like anywhere else, some classes can be tedious and time-consuming, in which case you might be better off looking at credit-based examinations. Also, while we can all tell you our thoughts, you know how you learn best. For instance, you might want to stay away from closed-book exams if you're a little shaky on your testing abilities. Textbooks in most Straighterline classes are more valuable than the course materials provided. You can always check here to see if someone has old textbooks or knows of a source for a free e-book.
Associate in Arts - Thomas Edison State University
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities - Thomas Edison State University
pursuing Master's degree, Applied Linguistics - Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

*credit sources: Patten University, Straighterline, Learning Counts, The Institutes, Torah College Credits, Kaplan Open College, UMUC, Thomas Edison State University (guided study liberal arts capstone)
I really enjoyed straighertline, and I learned a lot. I took 12 classes, and some were harder than others. My advice is to set aside time everyday to work on it, and only do one class at a time.
I likewise recommend having or buying an ebook compared to a hardcover book. Start reading the ebook before taking the course. That way you may be able to to squeeze 4 or 5 courses per month, depending on your shedule. Copy all of the key terms, study the summary and memorize/practice them befere taking a test or an exam. If you have access to the companion site always use it, it has a summary, glossary, flash cards as well as 1 to 3 practice tests.
I haven´t used this service, but you use also have 10 hours for a proctor, in case you might need clarification on a certain subject. This depends on the course you're taking.
I am really liking SL. I had a hard time with my first class, and then got some helpful advice from Cookderosa and gingerbeefE on how to search for keywords to find the right section for more indepth study. I did try a physical textbook, but had a hard time being quick enough searching, so found I prefer the etextbooks.

So far I can definitely agree with those who say that some of the business courses are more difficult. I have taken US History II, Intro Religions, Business Ethics, Principles of Management, Cultural Anthropology and Organizational Behavior so far.

Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior were definitely more difficult for me as many of the answers seemed to be inferred and I didn't always come to the same conclusion as the test writers. I actually appealed two questions that I felt were subjective, but they didn't grant me credit for them. Overall I am still learning a lot and enjoying the courses.
AA.LS, with Honors: CC '16
CHW Certification: CC '15
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."― Confucius

B&M University: '92-'95
CC: '95-'16
CLEP: A&I Lit; '08
FEMA: unusable at TESU
IIA: Ethics & CPCU; '15
Kaplan: PLA course; '14,
NFA: 2 CR; '15
SOPHIA: Intro Soc; '15
Straighterline: US History II, Intro Religion, Bus. Ethics, Prin. Mgmt, Cult. Anthro, Org Behavior, American Gov't, Bus. Comm; '15 Social Psych, Hist of Vietnam, Abnorm Psych, Research Methods in Psych, Classroom Mgmt, Ed Psych; '16
TECEP: Psych of Women, Tech Writing, Med Term, Nutrition, Eng Comp I; '16
TESU: BA.SS Capstone course; '16

Ended with a total of 170 undergrad credits (plus lots of CEUs). My "I'm finally done" thread
I loved my experience with Straighterline. Their main requirement is that you properly read the material and pass the evaluations. It is as strict as any Brick and Mortar
institution. While some people will be able to pass many of their courses in a short time. It is obvious that there will be some that will require more time to finish.
Still, straighterline is one of the best ways available that permits you at least finish most of your first and second year courses in a year from your house.

You just need to apply yourself. I believe that their prices are competitive with other colleges. Specially their courses for a year package.

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