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~ scribbler
Sister/Brother Team 
GOAL: B.A.s in Communications from TESU
Progress: 120 hrs each!
US History I: 58/59 | A & I Lit: 67/63 | Intro Sociology: 58/56 | Intro Psych: 65/54 | Human Growth and Development: 58/54 | Intro to Edu. Psych: 65/52 | Macroeconomics: 55/50 | Microeconomics: 66/54 | US History II: 58/56 | Biology: 62/53 | Natural Sciences: 60/53 | College Comp: 57/57
Intro to Computing: 462/445 | Here's to Your Health: 414/405 | Technical Writing: 62/54 | Ethics in America: 433/437 | World Religions: 477/464 | Public Speaking: 67 + PASS/64 + PASS
Intro Com: 97%/89% | Bus. Com: 87%/82%
News Reporting: PASS/PASS | Public Relations: PASS/PASS |