My parents moved out of my childhood house, and I became the land manager/caretaker at 18. I didn't have to pay rent, but I had to paint the house, Keep the furnace in working order. Timber trees and keep the property in good condition. A fraternity might have started at the house for a year, but
that was short lived. Honestly looking back on it, it was more people taking advantage of me than anything else but live and learn as they say.
20-22 I lived in what you would call the projects, being broke and attending college full time. I would not recommend. The roof caved in and smashed my only good possessions at the time my bed and computer. I failed out of college again and moved as far away as I could for a year or so.
At 23 I was living in a resort town. It blew my mind seeing people being able to vacation. I grew a lot in that year, and I honestly should have never left.
25-29 I moved back around my hometown, and I started a few businesses. They worked until they didn't.
30 moved in with my father where I originally was when I was 18.
More information than you wanted, but there it is

20-22 I lived in what you would call the projects, being broke and attending college full time. I would not recommend. The roof caved in and smashed my only good possessions at the time my bed and computer. I failed out of college again and moved as far away as I could for a year or so.
At 23 I was living in a resort town. It blew my mind seeing people being able to vacation. I grew a lot in that year, and I honestly should have never left.
25-29 I moved back around my hometown, and I started a few businesses. They worked until they didn't.
30 moved in with my father where I originally was when I was 18.
More information than you wanted, but there it is

WGU BSCSIA (In progress starting Feb 1st 2019) 49/122 credit hours.
PierPont BOG A.A.S 2018
CompTIA A+,Sec+.
SL. Intro to Environmental Science, Intro to Biology. 6 Credit hours.
Brick and Mortar college's 50 RA credits.
Pierpont institutional credit INFO 2207, INFO 2256, INFO 2305. 9 Credit hours.
Sophia. Developing Effective Teams, The Essentials of Managing Conflict. 2 Credit hours
The Institutes. 312N-H Ethics, 2 credit hours.
Brick and Mortar College. Eng 205 research writing, 3 credit hours.
CLEP. Information Systems, 3 Credit hours.
Stanford Online. America's Poverty and Inequality Course, Statement of accomplishment.
PierPont BOG A.A.S 2018
CompTIA A+,Sec+.
SL. Intro to Environmental Science, Intro to Biology. 6 Credit hours.
Brick and Mortar college's 50 RA credits.
Pierpont institutional credit INFO 2207, INFO 2256, INFO 2305. 9 Credit hours.
Sophia. Developing Effective Teams, The Essentials of Managing Conflict. 2 Credit hours
The Institutes. 312N-H Ethics, 2 credit hours.
Brick and Mortar College. Eng 205 research writing, 3 credit hours.
CLEP. Information Systems, 3 Credit hours.
Stanford Online. America's Poverty and Inequality Course, Statement of accomplishment.