Want to earn you degree at Charter Oak? Read this first and hopefully it answers all your questions.
Charter Oak is an American public state university in Connecticut. The unique thing about Charter Oak (COSC) is that you can transfer up to 114 credits from other sources for a bachelors degree. There are only 3 universities in the country that this policy, most require at least 30 taken at their school, with more elite schools requiring 60.
One way to earn credits is through ACE. These you can earn at your own pace and cheaper than most traditional college credit.
COSC policy: "All courses, programs, or exams offered by alternative educational providers (non-regionally accredited entities) recommended for credit by NCCRS or ACE will not be accepted in transfer unless an agreement with the provider and Charter Oak exists. Students will be limited to a total of 90 degree-applicable credits from non-regionally accredited course providers, even if an agreement is in place."
Charter Oak currently has ACE agreements with the following organizations as of July 2020:
Also a part of that 90 credit limit:
CLEP, DSST, AP: https://www.charteroak.edu/catalog/curre...values.pdf
If you choose to do 90 credits via CLEP and/or ACE then that means you need 30 credits from regionally accredited sources.
Some ideas. These do NOT count towards the 90 limit:
Requirements for a Bachelors Degree at Charter Oak
As of July 2020, the base cost of just COSC's tution and fees is about 3600 and that doesn't include the cost of the 114 credits you are transferring it. If you starting from scratch and have no prior credits, I'd budget at 5k for your degree just be safe, although it could likely be done cheaper. Maybe 10k - 12k on the high end of the budget for a degree.
What degrees you can earn: https://www.charteroak.edu/prospective/programs/
Associates degrees follow the same rules are above. Except 45 credit limit from ACE, CLEP and no capstone so only 3 semesters and one course at COSC. And yes can earn a associates and then a bachelors after or both simultaneously.
Note that not all degrees can earned via ACE some will and extensive amount of RA course work that could make the difficult and/or expensive.
Charter Oak is an American public state university in Connecticut. The unique thing about Charter Oak (COSC) is that you can transfer up to 114 credits from other sources for a bachelors degree. There are only 3 universities in the country that this policy, most require at least 30 taken at their school, with more elite schools requiring 60.
One way to earn credits is through ACE. These you can earn at your own pace and cheaper than most traditional college credit.
COSC policy: "All courses, programs, or exams offered by alternative educational providers (non-regionally accredited entities) recommended for credit by NCCRS or ACE will not be accepted in transfer unless an agreement with the provider and Charter Oak exists. Students will be limited to a total of 90 degree-applicable credits from non-regionally accredited course providers, even if an agreement is in place."
Charter Oak currently has ACE agreements with the following organizations as of July 2020:
- $99/month plus fee per course. Most courses are $59. They often have coupons
- https://www.straighterline.com/colleges/...uivalency/
- Get a scholarship automatically if you successfully transfer 4 SL courses (not sure if can be combined with study.com)
- $200/month allows you to complete 2 courses. For $70 more complete another course, you can do this 3 times, for up to 5 courses a month total.
- https://study.com/college/school/charter...llege.html
- Get a 10% discount if you successfully transfer Study.com courses (not sure if can be combined with Straighterline)
- https://www.saylor.org/partners/credit-p...e-college/
- $25 to take the final and earn credit. These are cheap but difficult.
- The courses are free though. So I encourage you to at least look at Saylor and see if you like it. Plus the material is a great way to study for CLEP, DSST, etc.
- Currently free (must register by July 31, 2020) usually around $300/course but they often have coupons. Plus every course you complete you get a $50 off your next one.
- https://charteroak.sophia.org/
- Highly Recommend this course! It is amazing. Even if doesn't count for math, you will learn a lot and great for those "mathphobic people" as confidence boost.
- Charter Oak State College: 3 semester credit hours Liberal Arts elective credit
- $39 for 3 credits
- https://www.csmlearn.com/product/ACEcredit
Also a part of that 90 credit limit:
CLEP, DSST, AP: https://www.charteroak.edu/catalog/curre...values.pdf
- Note: even though TECEP and UExcel are on this list they count as RA credit.
- As of July 1, 2020 the DSST Exam: Substance Abuse will be considered lower level credit. It will no longer be upper level in transfer.
- As of February 19, 2020, the AP Exam: Art/Studio Drawing or General Portfolio will no longer be accepted in transfer. The ACE evaluation expired some time ago and the College will no longer accept it in transfer.
- Find a CLEP test center near you: https://clep.collegeboard.org/test-center-search#
- Find a DSST test center near you: https://www.getcollegecredit.com/search/
If you choose to do 90 credits via CLEP and/or ACE then that means you need 30 credits from regionally accredited sources.
Some ideas. These do NOT count towards the 90 limit:
- TECEP: https://www.charteroak.edu/catalog/curre...values.pdf
- UExcel: see link directly above this
- ASU Earned Admission
- BYU independent study
- Local CC
- Local University
- Any credit granting course 100 level or above from a regionally accredited university or college
- Credit at COSC
Requirements for a Bachelors Degree at Charter Oak
- 120 credits
- out of those 120 there is 90 max from ACE, CLEP, etc.
- out of the 120 there is 30 credit Upper Level requirement this usually means 300/400 level
- graduate level credit generally will not work for the upper level requirement
- out the 120 credits 6 credits (two 3 credit courses) must be taken at COSC. There is no way around this.
- If someone were to do 90 credits via ACE, and only 6 at COSC that would leave 24 credits RA credits or 8 courses worth or RA courses.
- Some degrees require a certain amount of liberal arts credits
- Liberal arts = math, science, English, communication, humanities, history, social science, languages, etc.
- Non Liberal arts = most business, vocational types courses, PE etc.
- COSC gen eds: https://www.charteroak.edu/catalog/curre...ements.php
- Application Fee (one time fee)
- Course Fee per credit taken at COSC (tuition)
- Student Services Fee (per semester)
- Technology Fee (per semester)
- Even if you do the bare minimum you must pay for fees for 2 semesters worth and 6 credits worth of tuition.
- Graduation Fee (once you graduate)
- https://www.charteroak.edu/catalog/curre...t-fees.php
As of July 2020, the base cost of just COSC's tution and fees is about 3600 and that doesn't include the cost of the 114 credits you are transferring it. If you starting from scratch and have no prior credits, I'd budget at 5k for your degree just be safe, although it could likely be done cheaper. Maybe 10k - 12k on the high end of the budget for a degree.
What degrees you can earn: https://www.charteroak.edu/prospective/programs/
Associates degrees follow the same rules are above. Except 45 credit limit from ACE, CLEP and no capstone so only 3 semesters and one course at COSC. And yes can earn a associates and then a bachelors after or both simultaneously.
Note that not all degrees can earned via ACE some will and extensive amount of RA course work that could make the difficult and/or expensive.