02-06-2020, 11:59 AM
(02-06-2020, 01:01 AM)jpotter702 Wrote: I'm doing my research on starting this whole DIY degree and I have a couple of questions. I'm trying to decide if I should transfer my approx 30 credits from 2 schools. I attempted a lot more than 30 credits. Along with those 30 credits will be a whole bunch of Fs. Will that negatively impact me? Or should I start from zero? I don't care about graduating with a high gpa but will those failed classes impact in some other way? Also I was an anthropology major and satisfied the 9 LL credits for that major. Any idea which program will take those anthro credits? Finally is there a post that defines all the acronyms? It can be confusing reading posts with all these acronyms and abbreviations trying to guess what they are. Thanks so much
Edit: so I guess my GPA does matter. The program I want to get into is Nevada Alternate Route Licensure (ARL) for the Nv teaching Credential. The program says you need a bachelor degree from an RA with a gpa of your final 60 hours of 2.5 or above. So if I test and transfer into a big 3 school and take the Capstone get an A will my GPA be 4.0 and good? Or would I actually need 60 hours of actual class and testing out won't work. Please if anyone has gotten a teaching Credential with a big 3 diy degree in the manner described here how did the GPA requirements work? Thank you
I am in essentially the same boat. Transfer all of your credits to one of the big three and they just won't use your credits that don't fit (the F's). Now as for the GPA requirements for the ARL (I am doing something very similar but in TX) contact some of the ARL providers and ask if they accept CR or P credits. These obviously will not receive a letter grade from your college of choice, however, some of the ARL providers consider these to be a B here in TX. I've inquired with several different Alt cert programs here and as long as your conferred degree has above a 2.5 GPA then you're good to go. It may or may not be the same in NV though so your best bet is to call and explain to them that you will be testing out for the majority of your degree and ask the providers if the conferred GPA on your Degree Transcript is above the 2.5 is that good enough, or will they take a cumulative between all of the colleges you have attended. I highly recommend calling them as opposed to email or FB messages because this is generally something you need to explain to them on the phone.
BALS Social Sciences - TESU 2020
ASNSM Computer Science - TESU 2020
ASNSM Computer Science - TESU 2020