ASU's admissions department is one of the most stringent I've ever worked with. I'm currently enrolled, but I could only get 72 of my 94 RA credits to transfer (from previous college work a long time ago). By comparison, TESU evaluated me at 92.5 and FIU at 86. Also, ASU didn't allow me to meet a few requirements that I've met at other colleges (English, Math, and Language... I mean, I have 1.5 yrs of Ancient Greek and the credits transferred but they're making me take a language).
At the end of the day, I chose the more expensive path because I'd rather have ASU on my resume and grad school application (planning to apply to a couple of top tier grad schools). I should be done by this time next year. I've enjoyed the first half of my first semester, but it hasn't been easy.... the classes are the same curriculum as the B&M classes but they're jammed in to 7.5 weeks, so it's really hard.
At the end of the day, I chose the more expensive path because I'd rather have ASU on my resume and grad school application (planning to apply to a couple of top tier grad schools). I should be done by this time next year. I've enjoyed the first half of my first semester, but it hasn't been easy.... the classes are the same curriculum as the B&M classes but they're jammed in to 7.5 weeks, so it's really hard.