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Substance Abuse Dsst Info
Has anyone taken the new updated in April 2016 Substance Abuse Dsst test? What was your feedback and do you know where I can find the most current study material?
Thank you so much!!!!
Hey there. I just passed Substance Abuse with 445 today. I don't know where you can find the most current study material, but InstantCert and Peterson's practice tests worked well for me even though they're a little outdated. This chart is good:
Khan Academy has a good section on drug abuse and addiction as well:
Good luck!
I took that in summer of 2016, June or July I think. I passed but I remember my test had a lot of pretty technical medical questions about how the substances affect you physiologically which I was not prepared for because the study materials I had used didn't touch on that much. So just be sure that you're study recourses are covering that aspect! There were also some pretty comical questions about how deadly pot is XD
I took this today (2 Mar 17) and it was difficult. I absorbed what was posted in the other threads, but the update must have been substantial. I passed with a 430, which means if you know the thread material, you're good to go, but prepare yourself for some questions that are out of left field. Like, what is the percentage of drivers involved in a vehicle fatality that were previously convicted of a dui? Didn't know that one... Saw maybe two questions about volatile substances. Which part of the marijuana plant has the most THC? flower or leaves? lol. Who gets more duis, 18-20 year olds or 20-23 year olds? I swear it asked about BAC and body fat twice. I was really waiting for the big questions like Tardive Dyskinesia where everyone said "know this," but didn't see it anywhere. Some of it is confusing but if you know your terms it's easier, like one of the answers is "physical tolerance" or some other tolerance. Well, there's no such thing as physical tolerance and since "behavioral tolerance" was the only other one, it was right. Of course you won't know this if you don't know your terms. I didn't review much of the positive effects of drugs which came up twice. What is the positive effect of antipsychotics? No weight loss? No liver issues? Good question... Basically a lot of the KNOW THIS stuff wasn't on there, but a tester can fill the gaps with common sense.

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