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Struggling to stay focused
I'm really struggling to stay focused to intro to psych!!!!! I have 7 exams to get before oct. 21 and I don't see it happening. All that means is I have to start in April, which wouldn't be all that bad, but I'd really like to start in Oct. For some reason I just can't focus on psychology. ANY advice for me?? :eek:
[SIZE="4"]Mindy Towne[/SIZE]

8/08 Intro. to Sociology 50/51
The last chapter you'll study for Intro to Psychology will explain why you're having trouble staying focused. No fair skipping ahead, though! You need all the other chapters to understand that one!

[SIZE="1"]Let's see if that works.[/SIZE]

gcalvin Wrote:The last chapter you'll study for Intro to Psychology will explain why you're having trouble staying focused. No fair skipping ahead, though! You need all the other chapters to understand that one!

[SIZE="1"]Let's see if that works.[/SIZE]

right now I"m reading about the brain and I have no clue how people memorize all of these parts of the brain.
[SIZE="4"]Mindy Towne[/SIZE]

8/08 Intro. to Sociology 50/51
Wow, you're taking on a big load of work! I have had the same problem staying focused. Everything seems so much funner than sitting at home studying. Do you consider yourself very organized? I found that creating a study schedule really helped me stay on track.
I could be a lot more organized, but I work full time, have two kids who are starting school Monday so I just don't feel like I'm putting as much into this like I did with sociology. Right now I'm reading sparknotes psych 101 and then I"m going to hit IC hardcore but still don't see myself being ready to take the exam for another week or so. I also got scared when I took the sociology test because there wasn't much on the test that had to do with anything on IC. I LOVE this website so I know IC is more then worth my time to study but that did kind of spook me when I took my soc. test. I think that's another reason why I'm not as motivated to get the flashcards down yet. WHEW that seemed long winded
[SIZE="4"]Mindy Towne[/SIZE]

8/08 Intro. to Sociology 50/51
Why Not?

Force yourself to study the IC with rewards!
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I think because of my experience with sociology. BUT don't get me wrong I think IC is a great tool, it just didn't help me much on the particular exam I took on sociology. Since there are different forms of the exam though its hard to say which study material will be best, so I'm just going to hit them all! Smile
[SIZE="4"]Mindy Towne[/SIZE]

8/08 Intro. to Sociology 50/51
mindytowne Wrote:right now I"m reading about the brain and I have no clue how people memorize all of these parts of the brain.

Here is my trick:

Don't memorize all of it. In my experience, it is better to be 100% rock solid on some of it than vague on all of it.
On a note card, draw or write out 1/2 to 3/4 of the words you are trying to memorize.
Memorize THOSE parts with 100% accuracy.

This will give you enough knowledge to use process of elimination because your answer choices will include ones you WILL know. Additionally, if it is one you know you don't know, you have narrowed it too. See?

While I wouldn't suggest this for all units of the subject, I think there are fewer than 5 or so questions possibly about the brain, so the odds are very much in your favor using this technique.

Use YOUR brain space to study for the parts that will make up the highest percentage of the exam.
Perhaps you're a visual learner? Try the Standard Deviants dvd/video - it WILL help - trust me!!
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
draw brains simple structure and name it hindbrain,midbrain and forebrain...on to tht add what they function...dont memorize it u will forget it........learn it it is very simple........i had difficulty cause had no idea what psychology was,then i learned .During exam if u got confused u can draw it n answer it on exam.its easy try it.want the brain structure try essentials of psychology 2e.

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