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Straightliner Biology Lab?
Just wondering if anyone had any insight on the Straightliner Biology lab? I'm going to take it soon and was curious about the grading system, and since Straightliners exams are usually Proctored how the testing works along with that. Also wondering if it's completely nessessary to buy the kit as it's pretty expensive?
Have you started? How was the grading on the lab reports? I just started the Bio lab and was wondering the same thing.
There is no final exam for SL Biology Lab, just assignments - so everything is open book. This didn't copy/paste well:

Access*Code*Assignment 40
1 Introduction*to*Science 85
Lab*exam:*Introduction*to*Science 35
2 Cell*Structure*and*Function 85
Lab*exam:*Cell*Structure*and*Function 35
3 Ecology*of*Organisms 85
Lab*exam:*Ecology*of*Organisms 35
4 Energy*and*Photosynthesis 85
Lab*exam:*Energy*and*Photosynthesis 35
5 Mitosis 85
Lab*exam:*Mitosis 35
6 DNA*and*RNA 85
Lab*exam:*DNA*and*RNA 35
7 Mendelian*Genetics 85
Lab*exam:*Mendelian*Genetics 35
8 Population*Genetics 85
Lab*exam:*Population*Genetics 35
Total 1000

StraighterLine Proctoring | StraighterLine
Seems like you have to buy the kit. The assignments are based on the experiments and the experiments require the kit. :/ In this situation you might could save money buy taking a community college lab course. I took my Chemistry lab through the community college. It was actually online. They used a virtual lab through Late Nite Labs. I liked it, definitely helped me understand the lecture portion of the class. It was $69 for one credit hour plus the website lab fee. (~$50)
Credit Sources:
Guilford Technical Community College (59)
U.S Army Training
I've completed all the quizzes in the Bio lab course with about a 90% average and am about to start work on the experiments and uploading the lab sheets. With my quiz scores, I only need 65-70% on each of the labs and was just curious about how much they nitpick answers or if they wanted in depth paragraph-long answers for each of the questions on the lab reports.
As an FYI, I'm taking this course and despise it. This is nothing like the rest of SL courses, the flow is confusing, and worst of all, feedback for incorrect answers does not match the options provided for the question. In fact on more than a few instances I answered correctly and the answer was labeled incorrect. Tried to request a refund but SL told me once I open a course, bets off.
AAS WVNCC, completed 6/17. BS plan through TESU
Business Ethics 3 | Western Civilization 3 |Business Accounting 3 | Org Behavior 3| Intro to Nutrition 3 |Intro to Sociology 3 |US Hist I 3 |Intro to religion 3 |Anatomy & Physiology 3 |Intro to Communication 3| Macroeconomics 3| Microeconomics 3 |Business Law 3|English Comp 1| American History II 3 | Intro to Crim Just 3| American Gov 3|Accounting I 3|Business Principles 3| Business Stats|Cultural Anthropology|American History II| Account II|
Aleks College Algebra 3
TEEX CYBER102,201,301 6
84/120 Credits

In progress
English II |Financial Accounting|Intro to Envir Science
misterx020 Wrote:I've completed all the quizzes in the Bio lab course with about a 90% average and am about to start work on the experiments and uploading the lab sheets. With my quiz scores, I only need 65-70% on each of the labs and was just curious about how much they nitpick answers or if they wanted in depth paragraph-long answers for each of the questions on the lab reports.

What are you using to study for this? Any website or book in particular?
Completed BSc in Business Administration (COSC) May 31st, 2017

( Psychology 101 / Psychology 102 / US History 1 / Principles of Management / Western Civilization II / Environmental Science 101 / Psychology 103 / US History 2 / Geology 101 / Earth Science / Psychology 107 / Political Science 102 / Sociology 101 / Principles of Marketing / Financial Accounting / Managerial Accounting / Principles of Finance
(Saylor) Business Law and Ethics
(DSST) Vietnam War / World Religions / Business Ethics and Society / Technical Writing / Management Information Systems
(CLEP) Microeconomics / Macroeconomics / English Literature / American Literature / College Composition
(UExcel) Human Resource Management / Research Methods in Psychology / World Population / Labor Relations / Psychology of Adulthood & Aging / Social Psychology / BioEthics / Organizational Behavior
(COSC) Conerstone / Capstone
(Straighterline) Intro to Communications / Biology Lab / Business Statistics
I have to take this lab as well. I have searched other threads and have compiled this list for the lab supplies.

clear jello,
red and white beads,
baking soda,
some aqua plant seeds,
and some random safety equipment
graph paper and markers
sodium bicarb (baking soda)
phenol red solution (available pool supplies.
beakers with a stand,
3 petrie dishes,
radish seeds
baking soda solution,
and ph measuring sticks

Am I missing anything? I have taken CLEP Biology already, but do I need to purchase a book in accompaniment to this course? I have found in the other courses I have taken through SL that the quizzes were extremely textbook specific.
CLEP:College Comp. w/essay, A & I Lit. w/essay, College Algebra, US History 1 & 2, Biology, Human Growth & Development   DSST: Foundations of Edu.  TEEX: Cyber Security 101 & 301 Sophia: Developing Effective Teams The Institutes: Ethics & CPCU Prof. Code.

Straighterline: Intro to Religion, Intro to Com., Western Civ. 1& 2, American Gov, PreCalculus, Intro to Bio Lab Personal Finance, Edu. Psychology, Classroom Management, Special Edu. History & Law, Geology, Civil War & Reconstruction, History of the Vietnam War

2018 WGU BA Mathematics Education (5-9 licensure)

Current Work: VIPKID ESL Teacher and Substitute Teacher

Bumping the thread a bit. Do you have to take a picture of the lab kit to unlock the course?
CLEP:College Comp. w/essay, A & I Lit. w/essay, College Algebra, US History 1 & 2, Biology, Human Growth & Development   DSST: Foundations of Edu.  TEEX: Cyber Security 101 & 301 Sophia: Developing Effective Teams The Institutes: Ethics & CPCU Prof. Code.

Straighterline: Intro to Religion, Intro to Com., Western Civ. 1& 2, American Gov, PreCalculus, Intro to Bio Lab Personal Finance, Edu. Psychology, Classroom Management, Special Edu. History & Law, Geology, Civil War & Reconstruction, History of the Vietnam War

2018 WGU BA Mathematics Education (5-9 licensure)

Current Work: VIPKID ESL Teacher and Substitute Teacher

Best way to study for this course?
Completed BSc in Business Administration (COSC) May 31st, 2017

( Psychology 101 / Psychology 102 / US History 1 / Principles of Management / Western Civilization II / Environmental Science 101 / Psychology 103 / US History 2 / Geology 101 / Earth Science / Psychology 107 / Political Science 102 / Sociology 101 / Principles of Marketing / Financial Accounting / Managerial Accounting / Principles of Finance
(Saylor) Business Law and Ethics
(DSST) Vietnam War / World Religions / Business Ethics and Society / Technical Writing / Management Information Systems
(CLEP) Microeconomics / Macroeconomics / English Literature / American Literature / College Composition
(UExcel) Human Resource Management / Research Methods in Psychology / World Population / Labor Relations / Psychology of Adulthood & Aging / Social Psychology / BioEthics / Organizational Behavior
(COSC) Conerstone / Capstone
(Straighterline) Intro to Communications / Biology Lab / Business Statistics

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