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Hi -

I'd like some input/feedback from some of you. Smile

I am a TESC student and currently taking Intermediate Algebra as an online class. I suppose anyone who has done this knows the horrors of math online, especially when it is not your strongest point. It's not my weakest point either - I'm sort of in-between when it comes to math.

Since I've been away from any form of algebra for about 15 years, I decided to do this class online as a pre-req to my degree requirement of Quantitative Business Analysis that I will begin on April 1. I decided against taking the College Algebra CLEP, based on what I've read here and the fact that I've been away from algebra for so long.

Now, for my BSBA at TESC, I also have to take Statistics, which again I hear is a complete horror show in the online format. It doesn't sound to me like many are too successful at passing this the first time around. I work a full time workload in a three day work week and have an almost 4 year old and a 14 month old at home. Add in a husband who is next to never home on a regular basis because of his crazy work schedule and you will see that I just cannot do this class in a brick and mortar college.

I have begun to think about taking the Principles of Statistics DSST sometime in August. I figure since I'm doing Intermediate Algebra now (due to complete that the 3rd week of March) and will do QBA starting April 1 and finishing up the 3rd week of June, I think I might have a good basis fresh in my head to attempt the DSST for Stats. Or am I thinking wrong?


This is not a test to be taken lightly, but it is definitely doable. I wouldn't recommend taking it if it is your first test though. As you will find in the forums, some tests can be taken using only flashcards, but this isn't one of them for most people. The study material that I used was IC, Statistics workbook for dummies, and About 3 weeks of that and I was ready. Also, make sure that you have a calculator that can perfom multiple variable stats functions (TI-36X is what I used) but it can't be a calculator that has memory, or they won't let you use it on the test. There are many success stories of mathaphobics passing this test here in the forums. Just make sure you are ready. Good Luck

[SIZE="1"]AAS (Electronics), TESC-Done
BA Psychology, TESC-Done & waiting
Tests- Eng. Comp. w/ Essay-51, Principles of Mgmt.-59, Intro. to Soc.-62, US History I-66, US History II-61, Intro. to Psych.-68, Biology-55, A&I Lit.-62, Ed. Psych.-63, Soc. Sci. and History-63, Human Growth & Development-65, American Gov't-64, Tech. Writing-63, HTYH-64, Drug & Alc. Abuse-58, Org. Behavior-67, Prin. of Statistics-62, Intro. World Religion-68, Intro to Computing-403, Ethics-439. Research Methods in Psych.-A, Psych. of Personality TECEP-73, Abnormal Psych TECEP-74, Industrial Psych-71
Thanks for the info. At the point I plan on taking it, it will be my 12th test (a combo of TECEP's, CLEP's and DSST's).
It took me longer to prepare for this exam than any other I took, but overall the concepts are logical and success is attainable--particularly if you're at least average in math. Reading over the feedback in the Specific Exam Feedback section of this forum will give you a good idea of how best to prepare. I recommend you use IC and ONE book to prepare. You can pick which book based on the feedback. Then just learn each concept--in order--one at a time. Once you're done--make sure all the concepts listed in the DSST Fact Sheet have been covered (and make sure you get box and whisker plots etc.--again--see the specific feedback) and you're good to go. There are some concepts, such as chi-square, that I decided were beyond what I could grasp in the time I allotted myself (and I used TOO many study sources 'cause I was too cheap to buy one book) so I skipped it. I still passed with room to spare.

Also, based on the feedback, there appears to be a version of this test that is significantly easier than the version I took--so the luck of the draw can be your friend here too. So, if you have any good luck charms or favors you can call in from on high--you should try it there.

Good luck!
My Excelsior Journey
Bachelor of Science in General Business, cum laude
Excelsior College
I personally felt that this exam is very do-able and straight-foreword. I took some time to understand what was going on and re-learn alrgebra and formulas. I agree with barcotta and everyone else on buying the book and the workbook too, and the calculator is a must. Good Luck!
[COLOR="DimGray"]Intro to World Religions 68
Social Science and History 60
Principles of Statistics 60
Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
Astronomy 54
Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
College Composition 50[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
Electronic Instrumentation and Control - A
War and American Society - A
International Economics - A
Calculus II - B[/COLOR]

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