02-07-2008, 10:31 AM
Hi -
I'd like some input/feedback from some of you.
I am a TESC student and currently taking Intermediate Algebra as an online class. I suppose anyone who has done this knows the horrors of math online, especially when it is not your strongest point. It's not my weakest point either - I'm sort of in-between when it comes to math.
Since I've been away from any form of algebra for about 15 years, I decided to do this class online as a pre-req to my degree requirement of Quantitative Business Analysis that I will begin on April 1. I decided against taking the College Algebra CLEP, based on what I've read here and the fact that I've been away from algebra for so long.
Now, for my BSBA at TESC, I also have to take Statistics, which again I hear is a complete horror show in the online format. It doesn't sound to me like many are too successful at passing this the first time around. I work a full time workload in a three day work week and have an almost 4 year old and a 14 month old at home. Add in a husband who is next to never home on a regular basis because of his crazy work schedule and you will see that I just cannot do this class in a brick and mortar college.
I have begun to think about taking the Principles of Statistics DSST sometime in August. I figure since I'm doing Intermediate Algebra now (due to complete that the 3rd week of March) and will do QBA starting April 1 and finishing up the 3rd week of June, I think I might have a good basis fresh in my head to attempt the DSST for Stats. Or am I thinking wrong?
I'd like some input/feedback from some of you.

I am a TESC student and currently taking Intermediate Algebra as an online class. I suppose anyone who has done this knows the horrors of math online, especially when it is not your strongest point. It's not my weakest point either - I'm sort of in-between when it comes to math.
Since I've been away from any form of algebra for about 15 years, I decided to do this class online as a pre-req to my degree requirement of Quantitative Business Analysis that I will begin on April 1. I decided against taking the College Algebra CLEP, based on what I've read here and the fact that I've been away from algebra for so long.
Now, for my BSBA at TESC, I also have to take Statistics, which again I hear is a complete horror show in the online format. It doesn't sound to me like many are too successful at passing this the first time around. I work a full time workload in a three day work week and have an almost 4 year old and a 14 month old at home. Add in a husband who is next to never home on a regular basis because of his crazy work schedule and you will see that I just cannot do this class in a brick and mortar college.
I have begun to think about taking the Principles of Statistics DSST sometime in August. I figure since I'm doing Intermediate Algebra now (due to complete that the 3rd week of March) and will do QBA starting April 1 and finishing up the 3rd week of June, I think I might have a good basis fresh in my head to attempt the DSST for Stats. Or am I thinking wrong?